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13th November
13th November 2018
OWASP Manchester CTF 2018
Manchester OWASP will be running it’s first annual CTF on November 13th in partnership with Manchester Grey Hats who will be running the challenges.
The CTF will be hosted by the Manchester Technology Centre on Oxford Road and is aimed at people working in the tech industry who have an interest in security. The CTF itself will be a jeopardy style challenge aimed at a range of technical capabilities, with some low or non tech challenges.
So, if you're a developer, software tester, system architect, infosec professional, or just have an interest in security sign up. We'll be running teams of 4, so you can either enter a full team or we can help you put one together on the day!
Manchester Grey Hats will be running a series of short workshops on the same topics as the CTF on October 24th, so keep an eye on their Meetup page!
Thanks to our community sponsors; Manchester Grey Hats, North West Testers Gathering, Manchester Girl Geeks, Techs and the City, Tech Leaders of the North West and PowerShell Manchester.
Check and reserve your place on OWASP Manchester CTF 2018 Meetup event.