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03 30 2009
OWASP Releases World’s First Security Code Review Guide for Free
The OWASP Foundation, March 30, 2009 – The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) today announced the official release of the free OWASP Security Code Review Guide v1.1. The Code Review Guide provides details on how to review code for all sorts of application vulnerabilities. Together with the OWASP Security Developer Guide and OWASP Security Testing Guide, OWASP has created a powerful suite of books that covers most of what people need to know about application security. The 216 page book can be downloaded from the OWASP website or a bound copy can be ordered for the cost of printing.
The Code Review Project is led by long time OWASP participant Eoin Keary from Dublin, Ireland. Like all OWASP projects, the work is performed by Eoin’s team in a free and open manner, and coordinated via the OWASP wiki and project mailing list. Everyone is welcome to download the guide and benefit from OWASP’s research. You can also join the project and contribute to making the guide even better.
“Despite the many claims that code review is too expensive or time consuming, there is no question that it is the fastest and most accurate way to find and diagnose many security problems. There are also dozens of serious security problems that simply can't be found any other way.” said OWASP Chair Jeff Williams. “Still, code review is no panacea. Static tools, dynamic tools, and manual testing all have an important role to play in verifying the security of an application.”
There is overwhelming evidence that the vast majority of web applications contain security holes that are increasingly putting people and organizations at serious risk. Our Code Review Guide is one part of OWASP’s strategy to make application security visible and enable the market to support the development of secure application software.
OWASP is a free and open community that focuses on improving application security. Join the thousands of organizations that are using OWASP guidance to run a responsible application security program. Anyone can join our community and use our free tools and documents, attend our free conferences and local chapter meetings, and join projects to make the world’s software safe for the Internet.
About OWASP -The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is an open community dedicated to enabling organizations to develop, purchase, and maintain applications that can be trusted. All of the OWASP tools, documents, forums, and chapters are free and open to anyone interested in improving application security. We advocate approaching application security as a people, process, and technology problem because the most effective approaches to application security include improvements in all of these areas. We can be found at