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User:Benny ketelslegers

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currently acting as Japan Chapter Leader, you can contact him at benny{at} or on twitter @owaspjapan. 日本語でもいいです。


I have been working in IT Security since 1999 and OWASP member since 2007. I have always tried to be an active member of the security community. I have been a volunteer at Bsides events and angel at the CCC Conference (Berlin). In 2008, some people together with me decided that Belgium was lacking a security conference to promote research and we founded BruCON. I co-organized the first two edition (2009 & 2010) which were a great success and helped create a great team of people.

In 2011, I moved to Tokyo and was asked to pick up the local chapter which has been dormant for years. I believe in openness and collaboration, so I'm open to anyone to join to manage the chapter (according to OWASP rules and ethics).

More details are available on: LinkedIn: bketelslegers Twitter: @security4all

My intentions for 2012:

1) Organize (4 chapter meetings per year)
Both by inviting international speakers and promoting local researchers. To make this a success, we need to try to be as bi-lingual as possible with a focus on the local language (Japanese).

2) Community
Reach out to as much existing IT communities out there. Especially developers, not just security professionals. We need to teach them about secure software development and invite them to join the chapter.

3) Teach
It's my intention to give (free) workshops to developers to teach them about the OWASP methodology and tools to help them test their software.