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Global Industry Advisory Board Governance

Revision as of 10:00, 3 March 2013 by Tgondrom (talk | contribs) (Membership)

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The Global Industry Advisory Board shall be comprised of representatives as nominated by the OWASP membership in compliance with the process as outlined below. Once a Member has been nominated to the GIAB, the current members shall vote on that Member’s application with a simple majority being required for the acceptance.

The nomination forms can be found here: Global Industry Advisory Board Joining Form - Template


  • The GIAB Members shall elect a Chair to serve a term of 12 months at the first meeting each calendar year with a simple majority.
  • If the chair does not fulfill its activities up the expectations of the board, s/he can be removed anytime before the end of his term with a simple majority vote.
  • As with all leadership members at OWASP, the GIAB chair shall to the highest personal standard avoid conflicts of interest and follow the communication guidelines for GIAB members.



  • Members shall:
    • attend at least 66% of the regular scheduled meetings.
    • participate in voting.
    • support the GIAB's mission on mailing-lists and foster the goals of OWASP towards the global information security communities.


  • Attend or send a GIAB Representative to all OWASP Board Meetings
  • Attend or send a GIAB Representative to all OWASP Committee Chair Meetings
  • Schedule and conduct GIAB Regular Meetings
  • Manage GIAB Budget
  • Provide GIAB meeting minutes

Regular Meetings

A regular meeting of the OWASP Global Industry Advisory Board shall be held at least every 3 months. Meetings will be scheduled based on the availability of the majority of the members and may be conducted in person and/or virtually. Additional regular meetings may be called by the GIAB Chair Meetings shall be scheduled at least one week in advance and will be open for any OWASP Member to attend.

A majority of the number of GIAB Members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of GIAB business. If quorum is not established, the chair may adjourn the meeting.


Minutes of the meeting shall be recorded by the chair, or their designee and made available to all OWASP members.


Any GIAB Member can request a vote on an action. Any action taken by the GIAB shall be decided by the simple majority (50% + 1) of the GIC Members. Voting will generally occur during regular meetings, however any votes recorded via email shall be open for 24 hours or until a majority has been established.

Conflict of Interest

No GIAB member shall be permitted to vote on matters involving an event they are organizing, their home chapter, or any self identified matter where the objectivity of the member may be in question. Any conflict of interest shall be entered into the minutes.

Removal from Committee

A committee Member may be removed when

  • The Member participates in less than 50% of regular meetings in a calendar year
  • The Member does not participate in any regular meetings in a 90 day period without providing prior notice to the chair
  • A motion for removal is approved via a 66% majority vote of the other GIAB Members

The chair may be removed at any time by a majority vote of the other committee members. A new temporary chair shall immediately be elected to complete the term of the outgoing chair.

Communication with Industry Bodies and Speaking on Behalf of the GIAB

Rules/Restrictions for speaking on behalf of the committee or OWASP and making position statements?


From time to time, GIAB members may travel on behalf of the GIAB and at the expense of the OWASP Foundation. Any such travel shall first be approved by the Chair, availability of funds confirmed, and notification of travel be provided to the other GIAB members. In the event that the Chair denies the request, or is unavailable, travel may be approved by concurrence of any two GIC members (non-inclusive of the traveling member) so long as funds are available.

Upon return, the traveling Member shall submit an expense report to the Chair with receipts for any

  • Transportation (Airfare, POV, Train, Bus ect)
  • POV will be reimbursed at $.50 a mile
  • Lodging (Room Charges, Taxes and Fees)
  • Meals/Incidental Expenses

Transportation and Lodging expenses will be reimbursed at the rate of actual expenses incurred. Meals/Incidental expenses shall be reimbursed on actual expenditures with a daily cap as defined by the US General Services Administration ( or US Department of State Per Diem Rate ( for the destination.