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  • Active Projects: 160
  • Inactive Projects: 102
  • Incubator Projects: 126
  • Lab Projects:18
  • Flagship Projects: 15

New OWASP Projects

OWASP Project of the Month & Upcoming Global AppSec


AppSec APAC 2014.jpg

Projects Under Review

  • Project Metrics
    • I am putting together the 2013 project metrics I collected this past year for our Annual Report.
    • It took a bit of time since all of the information was not consolidated in one place.
    • Kate and I had a conversation about the data, and we decided that we needed a bit more information in certain areas.
    • I am working on collecting the extra data for the report, and I am working on writing some copy about our projects in general, as well.
  • Project Tool Summit 2014
    • There is a possibility that we will be able to have 2 summits this year.
    • The OWASP Project Tool summit is an event that we are in the process of planning.
    • We are still not certain if it is something we can move forward with, but we are pursuing the possibility.
    • The aim is to bring OWASP Tool Project Leaders together to work on their projects in an effort to increase quality and usability.
    • More updates to come as I move through the process and learn more.
  • ESAPI Hackathon
    • The ESAPI Hackathon has now come to an end, and the judging is complete.
    • The selection team has now graded the participants, and I have tallied up the results.
    • We plan to announce the winners next week.
    • The selection team was made up of: Kevin Wall, Jim Manico, Chris Schmidt, and Jeff Williams.
    • For more information, visit the Guidelines page or e-mail Chris, Kevin, or me directly.
  • Project Template Migration
    • Kait was very helpful with this project this week.
    • The aim is to migrate all of our OWASP Project to our new OWASP Projects template.
    • Kait kindly sent e-mails to all of our Incubator Project Leaders to ask them to migrate to the new design.
    • We did discover a bug that occurs on a well known browser during the process.
    • I have reached out to Matt for his assistance with this issue, and I hope to have it fixed soon, if possible
  • 2014 Project Summit
    • I am still working on the start of the 2014 Summit Planning Process.
    • I plan on organizing this year's primary summit in Cambridge, UK with AppSec EU.
    • We are currently working out logistics and finances of renting rooms either a few days before or after the conference.
  • Daily Project based queries and requests
    • This has not changed much since I began the post: questions are very similar in nature.
    • Global AppSec questions.
    • Funding queries.
    • Travel availability.
    • Project based administrative help.
    • Project status information.
    • Several project donation questions.
    • Marketing questions.
    • Grant funding questions.
    • OWASP social media updates.
    • What's happening with projects, questions.
    • Managing Salesforce cases.

General Awards

  • OWASP OWTF Project: Brucon 5x5 Award
  1. Amount: €5,000.00 (Approx. $6,670.00)
  2. Status: Awarded. Congratulations, Abraham Aranguren and all involved in the project, for your award.

Proposals Awarded

  1. Amount: $25,000 USD
  2. Status: Awarded. The first payment has been allocated to our project budgets. The second invoice has now been sent to Georgia Tech and payment has been received.
  3. OWASP Development Guide Plan
  4. OWASP Testing Guide Plan
  5. OWASP Code Review Guide Plan
  • Google Grants Proposal
  1. Amount: $120,000 USD in Adwords Funds
  2. Status: Awarded.
  3. Note: There is no link to show the proposal for this grant. There was a form that was submitted to Google, and we did not receive a record of this form.
  4. Google Grants Usage Report
  • Google Summer of Code
  1. Amount: $5,500
  2. Status: Awarded
  • Projects breakdown:
    • 4 ZAP Projects: $2,000
    • 4 OWTF Projects: $2,000
    • 1 PHP Security Project: $500
    • 1 Hackademics Project: $500
    • 1 Modsecurity Project: $500
    • Note: Big thank you to Fabio Cerullo for coordinating and managing this award.
  1. Amount: $15,000 USD
  2. Status: Awarded.
  • Total Funds Awarded: $172,170 USD for 2013.

Proposals Denied

  • European Commission Grant Proposal
  1. Amount: €250,000
  2. Status: Denied.
  1. Amount: $112,000 USD
  2. Status: Denied
  1. Amount: $25,000 USD
  2. Status: Denied
  1. Amount: $30,000 USD
  2. Status: Denied
  1. Amount: $55,800 USD
  2. Status: Denied

Current Project Funds

Webinar Opportunity for OWASP Project Leaders

Hello Project Leaders,

We are happy to announce a new monthly webinar series for Project Leaders to showcase their projects. The webinar will be held every third (3) Wednesday of every month at 10am EST. Below are the dates when each webinar will be held, and you can indicate the month if you are interested:

  • February 19
  • March 19
  • April 16
  • May 21
  • June 18
  • July 16
  • August 20
  • September 17
  • October 15
  • November 19
  • December 17

Please reach out to Samantha Groves ([email protected]) if you are interested in giving a 45 minute webinar on your OWASP Project.

Project Review Assistance Required

Hello Leaders,

We are still in need of more survey results. We would like to ask that you take a bit of time to fill in a short survey that we will use to assess the Usability and Value of each project to its users and the community.

You can find the assessment survey here: Project Usability and Value Assessment

Below are the projects we are currently focusing on assessing:

Please note that this is only one part of the full assessment for each project. The more responses we can get for each project, the better. Please only complete the assessment if you are familiar with the project, or if you have time to familiarize yourself with the project. Thank you to those of you who have submitted your responses. Your assistance is very much appreciated.

Please reach out to me if you have any questions.

Thank you for your assistance, Leaders.

Samantha Groves, OWASP Projects Manager

"OWASP 24/7" with Mark Miller is a series of recorded broadcasts, highlighting OWASP projects and people from around the world. With over 43,000 members in 100 countries, the OWASP 24/7 channel is available on demand, at anytime, anywhere on the planet. You are welcome to embed the broadcasts on your page, download them for your personal listening or keep up to date by subscribing to the iTunes channel. Please view the Podcast Project page for a list of current interviews.

View All Available Broadcasts or choose a single episode below

Upcoming interviews

  • Kevin Wall (ESAPI)
  • Andrew van der Stock (Pro-Active Controls)
  • Andrew van der Stock
  • Chetan Karande - Node.jsGoat
  • Mark Arnold - OWASP Boston Chapter Lead
  • Mike McCabe, Ken Johnson
  • Rafael Gil
  • Seba Deleersnyder