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BlackHat USA 2019
- 2019-06-18 DONE sent Call for Volunteer sheet to Las Vegas Chapter leader
- 2019-06-26 DONE Post to OWASP Members Call for Volunteers for BlackHat USA 2019 sign into form with an OWASP email address
- 2019-06-28 DONE 2 lead scanners reserved & confirmed
- 2019-06-28 DONE 4 Volunteers identified
- 2019-07-02 DONE Email announcement sent to 4 volunteers - requested confirmation and info to register them
- 2019-07-15 DONE Handouts and stickers Mike is taking responsibilities of to deliver
- 2019-07-16 DONE, SWAG ordered with Susan @Konik - shipping to Mike at MGM Grand by Aug. 4th
- 2019-07-19 Registering all badges
Lessons Learned
Bring Business cards for Kelly - Corporate membership and sponsorships Stickers Postcards with discount code for upcoming Global AppSecs An easier way to sign up members Need technical people to talk to the projects we have. Take donations?
Name & URLs
- Name: Black Hat USA 2019
- Date: August 3-6 Technical training
- Date: August 7-8 Conference- (Wed. Aug.6th can set-up booth)
* Aug. 7th booth hours 10-7pm * Aug. 8th booth hours 10-5pm
- URL:
- Booth # BB1
- Floor Plan
- Shipping information for SWAG open to receive shipment: July 2 - 31, 2019
- GES shipping labels
Badge Plan
- 5 full and 8 booths (13 total seats) Volunteers must work at least an 8-hour shift for a Conference Pass - Everyone on the list has been registered (7/22). Check OWASP email for a confirmation.
- Conference Pass: DAY 1 VOLUNTEER - Dave M
- Conference Pass: DAY 1 VOLUNTEER - Carmi M
- Conference Pass: DAY 2 VOLUNTEER - Nancy G
- Conference Pass: DAY 2 VOLUNTEER - Jorge G
- Conference Pass: Mike (Pass around if needed)
- Exhibition Pass: Lisa
- Exhibition Pass: Richard DAY 1
- Exhibition Pass: Sherif DAY 2
- Exhibition Pass: Martin DAY 1+2
- Exhibition Pass: Owen DAY 1+2
- Exhibition Pass: Gary DAY 1+2
- Exhibition Pass: Harold
- Exhibition Pass: OPEN
Mandalay Bay Convention Center Las Vegas, Nevada LAS Airport
LASxpress's Online Shuttle Booking
Reservation Company: Convention Housing Partners (ONLY company handling BlackHat reservations)
- Call: US: 1.866.642.2056
- International: +1.415.813.6088 use option 8
- Hours: 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM PT Monday through Friday
- Email:
- BlackHat 2019 Travel information
- Online Reservations (May 10, 2019 vendor reservation opened)
The high-level budget should be listed below as a table. The full budget should be linked here and in a Google Sheet in the OWASP instance set to public (read-only).
Description | Amount |
Revenue | |
+ Registration | $ NA |
+ Training | $ NA |
+ Sponsorships | $ NA |
Expenses | |
+ SWAG | $500 |
+ Catering | $ NA |
+ Trainers | $ NA |
+ Travel (staff) | $ 800 ea |
+ Hotel Accommidations (3 nights-staff) | $600 ea |
+ Other | $0 |
Forcasted (+/-) |
Provide link to a full budget plan
Will NEED volunteers to work the booth for the 2 days.