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Lucas C. Ferreira
Involvement in OWASP
Current activities:
- Global Conferences Committee member
- Brasilia, DF, Brazil chapter leader
Past activities:
- OWASP AppSec Brasil 2009 General Chair
- OWASP AppSec Brasil 2010 General Chair
How I got involved in OWASP
In 2008, OWASP was organizing the EU Summit in Portugal and issued a Call for Training Providers, seeking trainings to be delivered at the Summit. I had recently finished preparing a "Secure Programming in Java" training in Portuguese and was working with some friends to organize training sessions in Brazil.
At this time, Eduardo Neves, which was helping with the Summit's Call for Trainings, gave me the idea to send a proposal based on the Portuguese materials I had. I accepted, translated some materials to English and submitted. The proposal was accepted and I got authorization from my employer to go to the Summit. In the end, all tranings scheduled for the Summit were turned into 2-hour talks.
During the time between my proposal being accepted and the Summit, I started helping the Summit organizers in small tasks, such as translations and trying to spread the word about OWASP and the Summit. At the Summit, I met several OWASP leaders, specially Dinis Cruz and Paulo Coimbra. I also met several Brazilians and we agreed that we needed an OWASP Conference in Brazil. After returning home, we started talking about it in our mailing list and managed to make it happen in 2009. I was able to convince my bosses to host the first OWASP AppSec in Brasil and got full support. This way, I became the OWASP AppSec Brasil 2009 General Chair.
After the 2009 Conference, we started planning the next one. Again, I became the conference General Chair. After two years of intense work to make the conferences happen, I decided I needed some rest and time to dedicate to other projects. I want to dedicate myself to other OWASP related projects:
- OWASP Brasilia Chapter
- OWASP Software_Assurance_Maturity_Model Portuguese translation
- Developing OWASP WebGoat-based trainings
About me
I don't like talking about me. Google it.
Why Sapão
This a long story. To make it short: it is my long time nickname (since my teen years).