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OWASP Phoenix
Welcome to the Phoenix chapter homepage. The chapter leaders are Pete Roalofs and Andrew Wilson
OWASP Foundation (Overview Slides) is a professional association of global members and is open to anyone interested in learning more about software security. Local chapters are run independently and guided by the Chapter_Leader_Handbook. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit professional association your support and sponsorship of any meeting venue and/or refreshments is tax-deductible. Financial contributions should only be made online using the authorized online chapter donation button. To be a SPEAKER at ANY OWASP Chapter in the world simply review the speaker agreement and then contact the local chapter leader with details of what OWASP PROJECT, independent research or related software security topic you would like to present on.
to this chapter or become a local chapter supporter.
Or consider the value of Individual, Corporate, or Academic Supporter membership. Ready to become a member?
Local News
2010 Meetings
OWASP Phoenix is running our 2010 meetings at the following time and location.
Meetings will now be the first Tuesday of the month, every month, 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM, for 1 hour.
Afterward, we'll head to a local watering hole for socializing and fun.
The meetings are now being hosted at University of Advanced Technology
The location is:
University of Advancing Technology 2625 W. BASELINE RD. TEMPE, AZ 85283-1056
SEPTEMBER MEETING INFO - TUES September 7th 2010 6:30 PM
OWASP Phoenix invites you to it's September meeting!
Tuesday September 7st 2010 6:30 - 7:30 PM at University of Advancing Technology The meetings are always free, unfortunately the drinks aren't.
This month's meeting:
- Updates and Discussion
- Database Security and Encryption, Adrian Lane
- Bio:
- Adrian Lane, Analyst & CTO, Securosis
Adrian is a Security Strategist and brings over 22 years of industry experience to the Securosis team, much of it at the executive level. Adrian specializes in database security, data security, and software development. With experience at Ingres, Oracle, and Unisys, he has extensive experience in the vendor community, but brings a pragmatic perspective to selecting and deploying technologies having worked on "the other side" as CIO in the finance vertical. Prior to joining Securosis, Adrian served as the CTO/VP at companies such as IPLocks, Touchpoint, CPMi and Transactor/Brodia. He has been invited to present at dozens of security conferences, contributed articles to many major publications, and is easily recognizable by his "network hair" and propensity to wear loud colors. Once you get past his windy rants on data security and incessant coffee consumption, he is quite entertaining. Adrian is a Computer Science graduate of the University of California at Berkeley with post-graduate work in operating systems at Stanford University.
Drinks will be found afterword at Doc & Eddies.
Doc & Eddy's, 909 East Minton Drive, Tempe, AZ 85282-7021
2010 Meetings Calendar
This calendar will likely be updated on month to month basis. In absence of a speaker for a monthly meeting we will opt for a short discussion.
- August - Defcon Discussion Panel
- September - Database Encryption
Archived pages on Phoenix/Tools and Phoenix/ToolsProfile
This chapter is dedicated to bringing together local businesses, students, and web and security enthusiasts in order to discuss current events, trends, tools, and offensive/defensive techniques related to web application security. We currently hold meetings every month, typically with one or two speakers at each meeting.
What talks would you like to see?
Please Update
- Certificates
- Application Firewalls
- Security ROI
- Penetration Testing Methods
- Cryptography in Web Applications
- Reversing ActiveX controls
- Using Local Proxies
- Browser Safety / Security
- Web services security: XML/SOAP/WSDL
Previous Meetings
masSEXploitation, Mike Brooks
This talk covers the use of chaining vulnerabilities in order to bypass layered security systems. This talk will also cover ways of obtaining wormable remote code execution on a modern LAMP platform. These attacks where developed by me, and they are very new. These attacks are as real as it gets, and the results are making the headlines.
Bio: I will be giving this talk at this years Defcon and it will 3rd year in a row that I spoken. According to the Department of Homeland Security I have found a vulnerability with a severity metric of 13.5 which makes it into the top 1,000 most dangerous of all time. I am the top answerer of security questions on (The Rook). I actively hunt for vulnerabilities on a verity of platforms. I write exploit code and make it public.
Application Security Tools
A Scanner Sparkly - Web Application Proxy Editors and Scanners - Andre Gironda
Gray Box Assessment Lessons Learned - Adam Muntner
Risk Assessment Considerations for Web Applications (brief talk+discussion) - Erich Newell
Reflections on Trusting the Same-Origin Policy â and other web+network trust issues â Andre Gironda
In computing, the same origin policy is an important security measure for client-side scripting (mostly Javascript). It prevents a document or script loaded from one "origin" from getting or setting properties of a document from a different "origin". It was designed to protect browsers from executing code from external websites, which could be malicious.
XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities exploit trust shared between a user and a website by circumventing the same-domain policy. DNS Pinning didn't pan out exactly right, either. Can client-side scripting allow malicious code to get into your browser history and cache? Can it enumerate what plugins you have installed in your browser, or even programs you have installed to your computer? Can it access and modify files on your local hard drive or other connected filesystems? Can client-side scripts be used to access and control everything you access online? Can it be used to scan and attack your Intranet / local network? Does an attacker have to target you in order to pull off one of these attacks successfully? If I turn off Javascript or use NoScript, am I safe? What other trust relationships does the web application n-Tier model break?
Data@Risk â Protecting Web Applications Throughout the Development Lifecycle from Hackers - Brian Christian
Brian Christian, Co-founder and Application Security Engineer, S.P.I. Dynamics, Inc. discussed what Web application security is and why it is needed throughout the entire development lifecycle. We will discuss common vulnerabilities in the Web application layer and why they are so easily exploited. This session demonstrates how to defend against common attacks at the Web application layer with examples covering Web application hacking methods such as SQL Injection, Blind SQL Injection, Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), Parameter Manipulation, etc. We will also review how compliance and regulatory legislation such as PCI, GLBA, HIPAA, CASB 1386, and Sarbanes-Oxley, etc. specifically relates to and affects Web application security. Additionally, we will examine how security throughout the development lifecycle is essential to the security of Web application code and the protection of proprietary data.
Web Application 0-Day â Jon Rose
Learn about how to identify, exploit, and remediate some of the most common security vulnerabilities in web applications. Weâll be using real-world examples in a dynamic, fun, and open discussion using publicly available source code.
Discovering Web Application Vulnerabilities with Google CodeSearch
Building Application Security into the SDLC - Adam Muntner
Adam will share his experiences about how organizations can integrate application security into all phases of the Software Development Life Cycle, from the creation of functional specifications all the way through deployment, maintenance, and updates. He will explain how to "bake security in" rather than "ice it on."