This site is the archived OWASP Foundation Wiki and is no longer accepting Account Requests.
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My name is Przemyslaw 'rezos' Skowron (rezos - this is my nickname). Since December 2009: Polish Chapter Leader.
What am I doing here?
- leading OWASP Poland Local Chapter - speaking on (almost all) OWASP Poland Local Chapter events - research & development OWASP solutions, papers (within the confines of OWASP grants)
I was working on:
- OWASP_CTF page - CaptureTheFlag/Wargame at OWASP conferences and others (e.g. OWASP EU 2008 - Belgium, Confidence 2008) - SpoC_007_-_Refresh_Attacks_list project.
If you need any other information feel free to drop me a line. (przemyslaw (dot) skowron (_at_) gmail (DOT) com)