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OWASP JBroFuzz Install Guide

Revision as of 15:36, 5 January 2010 by Yiannis (talk | contribs)

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This section serves as the installation guide for JBroFuzz on different operating systems.

Installing JBroFuzz in Solaris 10

By default, Solaris 10, ships with java 1.5. Earlier flavours are also present, with packages like SUNWj3dmo SUNWj3man SUNWj3dev SUNWj3rt in existence. In order to run JBroFuzz, you will need to install a 1.6 java.


A Java Development Kit (JDK) or a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 1.6 or later installed

You can obtain the latest version from:

Under Downloads -> Java SE (Standard Edition)

In this particular case, the Java SE Development Kit 6u17 for Solaris x86. You can choose to skip the registration popup window that appears and proceed to download either of the two:

  • Java SE Development Kit 6u17 (jdk-6u17-solaris-i586.tar.Z) {130.51 MB}
  • Java SE Development Kit 6u17 ( {76.90 MB}

Naturally, these files will be obsolete in due course, but they were the latest files available from Sun at the time of writting this brief guide.

Java 1.6 Install

For the Java SE Development Kit 6u17 (jdk-6u17-solaris-i586.tar.Z) downloaded above, we need to uncompress and untar the file. At the prompt enter:

uncompress jdk-6u17-solaris-i586.tar.Z | tar xvf -