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GPC Project Details/OWASP Certification Project

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what is this project?
OWASP Certification Project

Purpose: The need for certification in this space is immense. The lack of accountability or at least a way to tell qualified security professionals from those that aren't is difficult. We understand that for traditional software development, applications better compile or they don't go live, developers don't get their bonus and some may even see their employment terminated. In security, there is generally no bar to clear.

License: N/A

who is working on this project?
Project Leader: N/A

Project Maintainer:

Project Contributor(s): N/A

how can you learn more?
Project Pamphlet: N/A

3x slide Project Presentation: N/A

Mailing list: N/A

Project Roadmap: To view, click here

Main links: N/A

Project Health: Yellow button.JPG Not Reviewed (Provisional)
To be reviewed under Assessment Criteria v2.0

Key Contacts
  • Contact the GPC to contribute, review or sponsor this project
  • Contact the GPC to report a problem or concern about this project or to update information.
current release
First Release - Unknown Date - (no download available)

Release Leader: N/A

Release details: Main links, release roadmap and assessment

Rating: Yellow button.JPG Not Reviewed
To be reviewed under Assessment Criteria v2.0