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Jython Script to extract metadata from Java class files (O2P)


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This is the current code that is executed using Jython that creates an XML file with the Java metatag information. Note that this was my (Dinis) first ever Python script so I was busking it all the way (while basterdizing John's code :)  )

import sys
from javassist.bytecode import *
from import *

#<begin of Dinis Changes>

import java 
import os

' global vars'
true = 1
false = 0

def createXmlElement(name, parameters, innerXml,indent,allContentInSameLine, encodeInnerXml) :
    if encodeInnerXml:
        innerXml = innerXml.replace("&","&amp;").replace("<","&lt;").replace(">","&gt;")
    parametersTextValue = ""
    for parameter in parameters:
        parameterName = parameter
#        if  isinstance (parameters[parameter],int):
#            parameterValue += parameters[parameter]
#        else:                    
        parameterValue = parameters[parameter].replace("\"", "&quot;").replace("<","&lt;").replace(">","&gt;").replace("&","&amp;")
        parametersTextValue += " %s = \"%s\"" % (parameter, parameterValue)

    beginTagValue = name + parametersTextValue
    engTagValue = name

    if innerXml == "":
        return ("\n%s<%s/>" %               ("\t"*indent,beginTagValue) )

    if allContentInSameLine:
        return ("\n%s<%s>%s</%s>" %         ("\t"*indent,beginTagValue, innerXml, engTagValue) )

    return ("\n%s<%s>%s%s\n%s</%s>" %   ("\t"*indent, beginTagValue ,"\t"*(indent+1), innerXml,"\t"*indent, engTagValue) )

def getAnnotationInfo(xmlNodeName,annotations):
    annotationsInfo = ""
    for annotation in annotations:
        if annotation == None:
            annotationsInfo += createXmlElement(xmlNodeName,{},  "" ,3,false,false)
            annotationParams = {"typeName":annotation.typeName,"toString":annotation.toString()}
            ' check if there are members in this attribute'            
            annotationMembers = ""
            if annotation.memberNames != None:
                for annotationMemberName in annotation.memberNames:
                    annotationMember = {"memberName":annotationMemberName,"memberValue":annotation.getMemberValue(annotationMemberName).toString()}
                    annotationMembers += createXmlElement("member", annotationMember,"",4,true,true)
            annotationsInfo +=createXmlElement(xmlNodeName, annotationParams, annotationMembers,3,false,false)

    return annotationsInfo

def getAttributeInfo(attributes):
    attributeInfo = ""
    for attribute in attributes:
        if attribute == None:
            annotationsInfo += createXmlElement("attribute",{},  "" ,4,false,false)
            attributeParams = {"toString":attribute.toString(), "typeName": java.lang.Class.getName(attribute.getClass()),"name"}
            'if there are annotations we need to add them individually'
            if hasattr(attribute,"numAnnotations"):            
                attributeAnnotations = getAnnotationInfo("annotation",attribute.getAnnotations())               
                attributeInfo += createXmlElement("attribute",attributeParams,  attributeAnnotations ,2,false,false)
                attributeInfo += createXmlElement("attribute", attributeParams, "" ,2,true, true)
    return attributeInfo
def getMethodsCalled(method):
    methodsCalled = ""
    codeAttribute = method.getCodeAttribute()
    if (codeAttribute == None):
        return methodsCalled;
    constPool = codeAttribute.getConstPool();
    codeIterator =  method.getCodeAttribute().iterator()
    while (codeIterator.hasNext()):
	next =
	byteCodeInst = codeAttribute.getCode()[next] 	
	if (byteCodeInst == -73 or byteCodeInst == -74):    # method call
		methodCalled_Index = 0x000000FF & codeAttribute.getCode()[next+2] # need to convert signed byte value into an unsigned value
		methodCalled_Index += (0x000000FF & codeAttribute.getCode()[next+1]) * 0x100 
		methodCalled_Class = constPool.getMethodrefClassName(methodCalled_Index)
                methodCalled_Name = constPool.getMethodrefName(methodCalled_Index)
                methodCalled_Descriptor = constPool.getUtf8Info(constPool.getNameAndTypeDescriptor(constPool.getMethodrefNameAndType(methodCalled_Index)))
                methodCalled_LineNumber = method.getLineNumber(next).__str__()
                methodCalled_Signature = methodCalled_Class + "." + methodCalled_Name  + methodCalled_Descriptor;
                xmlElementAttributes = {"lineNumber":methodCalled_LineNumber,"class":methodCalled_Class,"name":methodCalled_Name,"descriptor":methodCalled_Descriptor,"signature":methodCalled_Signature}                
                methodsCalled += createXmlElement("methodCalled",  xmlElementAttributes,"",5,True,True)
	if (byteCodeInst == -71):       # interface call
		methodCalled_Index = 0x000000FF &  codeAttribute.getCode()[next+2];
		methodCalled_Index += (0x000000FF & codeAttribute.getCode()[next+1]) * 0x100
		methodCalled_Class = constPool.getInterfaceMethodrefClassName(methodCalled_Index)
		methodCalled_Name = constPool.getInterfaceMethodrefName(methodCalled_Index)
		methodCalled_Descriptor = constPool.getUtf8Info(constPool.getNameAndTypeDescriptor(constPool.getInterfaceMethodrefNameAndType(methodCalled_Index)))
		methodCalled_LineNumber = method.getLineNumber(next).__str__()
		methodCalled_Signature = methodCalled_Class + "." + methodCalled_Name  + methodCalled_Descriptor;
                xmlElementAttributes = {"lineNumber":methodCalled_LineNumber,"class":methodCalled_Class,"name":methodCalled_Name,"descriptor":methodCalled_Descriptor,"signature":methodCalled_Signature}
		methodsCalled += createXmlElement("methodCalled",  xmlElementAttributes,"",5,True,True)

    return methodsCalled

def getSuperClassAndInterfaces(classObject):
    #print "superclass: " + classObject.getSuperclass()
    superClassAndInterfaces = createXmlElement("superclass", {"name":classObject.getSuperclass()},"",2,true,false)
    for _interface in classObject.getInterfaces():
    #   print "interface: " + _interface    
        superClassAndInterfaces += createXmlElement("interface", {"name":_interface},"",2,true,false)
    return superClassAndInterfaces;

def getClassinfo(path, attributeParser):

    classObject = attributeParser._acquireClassFile(path)
    classAttributes = getAttributeInfo(attributeParser.getClassAttributes(path))
    superClassAndInterfaces = getSuperClassAndInterfaces(classObject)
    'calculate methods'
    methodsNodes = getMethodsinfo(path,attributeParser)
    'methodsNode = createXmlElement("methods",methodsChildNodes,2,true,false)'

    'put it all together'

    classChildNodes = classAttributes + superClassAndInterfaces + methodsNodes
    sourceFile = os.path.dirname(classObject.getName().replace('.', '\\')) +"\\"
    if classObject.getSourceFile() != None:
		 sourceFile = sourceFile + classObject.getSourceFile();
    classNode = createXmlElement("class", {"sourceFile":sourceFile,"name"} ,classChildNodes,1,false,false);
    return classNode , classObject

def getMethodsinfo(path, attributeParser):
    methods = attributeParser._acquireClassFile(path).getMethods()
    xmlContent = ""
    ' add methods details'
    for method in methods:
        'xmlContent+="\n<M>" + method.toString() + "</M>"'
        xmlNodeParams = {"name":, "descriptor": method.descriptor, "lineNumber": method.getLineNumber(0).__str__()}
        xmlNodeInnerXml = getAttributeInfo(attributeParser.getMethodAttributes(path,, method.descriptor))

        xmlNodeInnerXml+= getAnnotationInfo("parameterAnnotation",attributeParser.getMethodParametersAttributes(path,, method.descriptor))

        xmlNodeInnerXml += getMethodsCalled(method)
        xmlContent += createXmlElement("method",xmlNodeParams ,xmlNodeInnerXml,2,false, false)
    return xmlContent

def canProcessFile(path):
    return AttributeParser()._acquireClassFile(path) != None
def createXmlFile(resultsFolder, path):
    print "\n Creating XmlFile with Attribute info for: " + path 
    if (canProcessFile(path)):        
        attributeParser = AttributeParser()
        classNode ,classObject = getClassinfo(path,attributeParser)    
        xmlContent = createXmlElement("JavaAttributeMappings", [],classNode,0,false, false)
        xmlFileName = resultsFolder +"\\" +".JavaAttributes.xml"
        xmlFile = open(xmlFileName,"w")
	'print "Xml file created: " + xmlFileName'

def createXmlFileForDir(resultsFolder, dirPath):
    print "\n Creating XmlFile with Attribute info for directory : " + dirPath + "\n"
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dirPath):
        for file in files:
            if file.endswith(".class"):
                createXmlFile(resultsFolder, root + "\\" + file)

'</begin of Dinis Changes>'

' Below is John\'s original code'
class AttributeParser(object):
	'''This class uses a bytecode parsing approach to implement query of
	   class, method, method parameter, and field annotations on a 
	   path-to-classfile target. 

	   Dependencies include:
	   jython 2.5.0 - (Python Interpreter written in 
	                  Java that has an embedded Java VM)

	   javassist-3.11.0 - (
	                  Java bytecode manipulation tool, that supports JRE 1.6)

	   Execute the tool using the following:
	   java  -jar jython.jar  -Dpython.path=./javassist.jar

	   >>>import Annotations
	   >>>ap = Annotations.AttributeParser() 

	   Author: John Steven ([email protected])
	   Created on: 07-10-09
	   LastChanged: $LastChangedDate$

	   Modified by: Dinis Cruz ([email protected]
	   Modified on: 11-10-09
	   Where: places where the quality of the Python code dramatically drops :)

	def getClassAttributes(self, path_to_clazz):
		'''getClassAttributes() returns a list of annotations associated with the
		   class definition.

		   path_to_clazz : str - the absolute path to the class file to interrogate
		   returns : [] - list of zero or more class annotations.
		   returns : None - Error finding/loading/parsing class file data
		cf = self._acquireClassFile(path_to_clazz)
		if cf == None: return None

		attributes_to_return = list()

			attributes = cf.getAttributes() 
			for attribute in attributes:
				if isinstance(attribute, SourceFileAttribute):
					pass # Explicitly punt this attribute type
				elif isinstance(attribute, InnerClassesAttribute):
					pass # Explicitly punt this attribute type

			return attributes_to_return

			print 'WARNING - %s: encountered %s %s getting attributes in %s' %\
			      (self.__class__.__name__, sys.exc_info()[0],
			       sys.exc_info()[1], path_to_clazz)
			return None
	def getFieldAttributes(self, path_to_clazz, field_name):
		'''getFieldAttributes() return a list of annotations associated with a
		   field within the class definition.

		   path_to_clazz : str - the absolute path to the class file to interrogate
		   field_name : str - the name of the class' field the query targets
		   returns : [] - list of zero or more field annotations.
		   returns : None - Error finding/loading/parsing class file data
		cf = self._acquireClassFile(path_to_clazz)
		if cf == None: return None

			return list(f.getAttributes()[0] for f in cf.getFields() \
				                               if str(f.getName()) == field_name)
			print 'WARNING - %s: encountered %s %s getting %s\'s attributes for %s' %\
			      (self.__name__, sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1], field_name, 
			return None

	def getMethodAttributes(self, path_to_clazz, method_name, signature=None):
		'''getMethodAttributes() return a list of annotations associated with (a)
		   method(s) within the class definition.

		   path_to_clazz : str - the absolute path to the class file to interrogate
		   method_name : str - the name of the class' field the query targets
		   signature : Boolean - whether or not to match methods by full signature
		               rather than just name (useful if method is overloaded)
		   returns : [] - list of zero or more method annotations.
		   returns : None - Error finding/loading/parsing class file data
		return self.__getMethodAttributesImpl(path_to_clazz, method_name,
		                                      parameters=False, signature=None)

        def getMethodParametersAttributes(self, path_to_clazz, method_name,
                '''getMethodParametersAttributes() return a list of annotations associated
		   with (a) method's parameters.

		   path_to_clazz : str - the absolute path to the class file to interrogate
		   method_name : str - the name of the class' field the query targets
		   signature : Boolean - whether or not to match methods by full signature
		               rather than just name (useful if method is overloaded)
		   returns : [] - a list of the annotations associated with each parameter
		                  within the method signture. Those not bearing annotations
		                  will have a 'None' Entry
		   returns : None - Error finding/loading/parsing class file data
		return self.__getMethodAttributesImpl(path_to_clazz, method_name,
		                                      parameters=True, signature=None)

	def __getMethodAttributesImpl(self, path_to_clazz, method_name,
	                            signature=None, parameters=False):
		'''Private getMethodAttributesImpl() - configures attribute-type matching
		   function and then computes work of matching methods, and pulling 
		   annotations (associated with parameters) as appropriate.
		def switchAnnotationType(interestInParams):
			if interestInParams:
				return lambda at: isinstance(at, ParameterAnnotationsAttribute)
				return lambda at: not isinstance(at, ParameterAnnotationsAttribute)

		cf = self._acquireClassFile(path_to_clazz)
		if cf == None: return None

		attributes_to_return = list()
		filterFn = switchAnnotationType(parameters)

			for method in cf.getMethods():
				if self.__matchMethod(method_name, signature, method):
					for attribute in (attribute for attribute in method.getAttributes()\
					                  if filterFn(attribute)):
                                                if isinstance(attribute, CodeAttribute):
							pass # Explicitly punt this attribute type						
						elif isinstance(attribute, ParameterAnnotationsAttribute):
							for annotation in attribute.getAnnotations():
								if len(annotation) == 0:

			return attributes_to_return

			print 'WARNING - %s: encountered %s %s getting %s\'s attributes for %s' %\
			      (self.__class__.__name__, sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1],\
			       method_name, path_to_clazz)
			return None

	def __matchMethod(self, method_name, signature, method):
		'''Private matchMethod() - handles method matching by name (and if supplied
		   by full Java bytecode method signature). 

		   method_name : str - the name of the method without parans, params, RV,
		                 FQ class name, etc. 'foo' for 'foo()'
		   signature : str - bytecode formatted method signature (IE: 
		               (Ljava/lang/string;)V' In the case that name-only matching
		               is desired, the callers should pass 'None' for this param.
		   method : javassist.bytecode.Method object, the reversed Method object.

		   returns : Boolean - True, the method matches, false otherwise.
			if signature == None:
				return method_name == method.getName()
			elif method_name == method.getName():
				return signature == method.getDescriptor()
				return False		
			print 'WARNING - %s: Failure parsing methods %s %s' \
			       %(self.__class__.__name__, sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1])
			return False

	def _acquireClassFile(self, path_to_clazz):
		'''semi-private acquireClassFile() - method designed as helper function to
		   getXXXAttribute() functions, but also servese useful in unit testing b/c
		   this methods returns the javassist.bytecode.ClassFile object which 
		   represents the fully parsed, reversed class file.
		   path_to_clazz : str - the absolute path to the class file to interrogate
		   returns : javassist.bytecode.ClassFile - Revered Java Class file
			dis = DataInputStream(BufferedInputStream(FileInputStream(path_to_clazz)))
			return ClassFile(dis)
                        ''' the code throws the error:
                              AttributeError: 'AttributeParser' object has no attribute '__name__'
			'''print 'WARNING - %s: encountered %s %s getting %s' %\
			      (self.__name__, sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1], path_to_clazz)'''
			print 'ERROR - encountered %s %s getting %s' %\
			      (sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1], path_to_clazz)
			return None

' DC Code'

errormessage = " The first argument must be the results folder and the 2nd argument must either be the target class or the target folder\n\n"

if sys.argv.__len__() != 3:
	print "\n\n Error: You need to provide two parameters." + errormessage
	resultsFolder =  sys.argv[1]
	targetClassFileOrFolder = sys.argv[2]

	print "resultsFolder: " +  resultsFolder
	print "targetClassFileOrFolder: " +  targetClassFileOrFolder
	if (os.path.isdir(resultsFolder) and (os.path.isdir(targetClassFileOrFolder) or os.path.isfile(targetClassFileOrFolder))):
		if os.path.isdir(targetClassFileOrFolder):
			createXmlFileForDir(resultsFolder, targetClassFileOrFolder)
		elif targetClassFileOrFolder.endswith(".class"):
			createXmlFile(resultsFolder, targetClassFileOrFolder)		
			print "\n\n File provided must be of extension .class:"	
		print "\n\n Error with the arguments supplied:" + errormessage

#targetFile = "E:\\O2\\_Bin_(O2_Binaries)\\O2_Cmd_SpringMvc\\_UnitTests\\TestFiles\\EditOwnerForm.class"
#createXmlFile("C:\\O2", targetFile)