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Category:OWASP Tools Project

Revision as of 22:39, 31 August 2009 by Paulo Coimbra (talk | contribs)

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New open source and commercial web application security tools are released almost every day. These tools are used either to detect vulnerabilities within web applications or to protect web applications from exploitation of potential vulnerabilties that may be present in these applications. With so many tools at hand, it may sometimes be difficult to make a decision about the selection of a tool that best meets your requirements.

The OWASP Tools Project has been created to provide unbiased, practical information and guidance about application security tools that are used to detect vulnerabilities or to protect against vulnerabilities. The goal of this project is to identify any available tools, categorise them and rate them according to a predefind criteria to assess their effectiveness.

Project Roadmap

  • Defining categories for tools
  • Identification of tools within these categories
  • Define rating criteria and the test procedure for identified tools
  • Testing the tools against test applications to see how effectively the tool meets the rating criteria
  • Provide rating to the tools based on their effectiveness

Project Progress

  • As of August 2009, in its initial stage, we are in the process of gathering information on tools; and defining the rating ceiteria and the test procedure for identified tools.

Feedback and Participation

We hope you find the OWASP Tools Project useful. Please contribute back to the project by sending your comments, questions, and suggestions to the mailing list here.

Project Identification

What does this OWASP project offer you?
what is this project?
OWASP Tools Project

Purpose: The OWASP Tools Project has been created to provide unbiased, practical information and guidance about application security tools that are used to detect vulnerabilities or to protect against vulnerabilities. The goal of this project is to identify any available tools, categorise them and rate them according to a predefind criteria to assess their effectiveness.

License: Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0

who is working on this project?
Project Leader: Vishal Garg

Project Maintainer: Vishal Garg

Project Contributor(s): N/A

how can you learn more?
Project Pamphlet: N/A

3x slide Project Presentation: N/A

Mailing list: Subscribe or read the archives

Project Roadmap: To view, click here

Main links: N/A

Project Health: Yellow button.JPG Not Reviewed (Provisional)
To be reviewed under Assessment Criteria v2.0

Key Contacts
  • Contact Vishal Garg to contribute, review or sponsor this project
  • Contact the GPC to report a problem or concern about this project or to update information.


This category has the following 7 subcategories, out of 7 total.




Pages in category "OWASP Tools Project"

This category contains only the following page.