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OWASP Israel 2009 Conference Turbo Talks

Revision as of 18:04, 14 July 2009 by YossiOren (talk | contribs) (Submitting Presentations)

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Just like last year (in fact, copy-pasted from last year), OWASP IL will include a Turbo Talk session (a.k.a. rump session), inspired by the CRYPTO conference rump sessions and by the O'Reilly IGNITE sessions. Quoting from the CRYPTO 2007 rump session CFP:

"This is intended to be an informal session in which participants give short and entertaining presentations on recent results, work in progress, and other topics of interest to the community. Presentations that are not purely technical in nature are also possible – and encouraged!"


Each presenter will have no more than 20 slides, which should automatically rotate after 15 seconds (for a total of under 5 minutes per talk).

Topics can include:

  • Recent interesting Web Application Security results and works in progress. General Information Security results are also welcome, as long as they are very interesting.
  • Important announcements relevant to the Israeli Web Application Security community.
  • Crazy ideas for a start-up (regardless of whether it already exists or not).
  • Interesting geeky activities.
  • Singing, dancing and shenanigans.

Topics cannot include:

  • Shameless plugs for your new WAF, which is amazingly better than other WAFs.
  • Politics and gambling.

Here are some good talks for reference:

Submitting Presentations

The rump session chair is Yossi Oren. If you want to submit a talk, please fill out this yet-to-be-created online form. For comments and suggestions, please write to owasp2009rump[strudel]

The deadline for registration is September 1, 2009 - less than a week before the conference. We hope to have about 10 talks which should make up a very interesting hour!