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OWASP Denmark

Welcome to the Denmark chapter homepage. The chapter leader is Ulf Munkedal


OWASP Foundation (Overview Slides) is a professional association of global members and is open to anyone interested in learning more about software security. Local chapters are run independently and guided by the Chapter_Leader_Handbook. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit professional association your support and sponsorship of any meeting venue and/or refreshments is tax-deductible. Financial contributions should only be made online using the authorized online chapter donation button. To be a SPEAKER at ANY OWASP Chapter in the world simply review the speaker agreement and then contact the local chapter leader with details of what OWASP PROJECT, independent research or related software security topic you would like to present on.


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Local News

Meeting in OWASP-DK 13/5 2009 at 17.30

The agenda for the meeting is:

17.30 Welcome by Rasmus Petersen

17.45 Presentation: Flash security by Mihai Corlan from Adobe

18.30 Break

18.40 Presentation: Facebook API by Martin Clausen

19.10 Break

19.20 Presentation: Hack of the Month - opgave 2 by Rasmus Petersen

19.50 Break

20.00 Presentation: Introduction to OWASP-DK CTF #1 by Joe og Rasmus Petersen

20.30 Evaluation and discussion regarding the next meeting

If you want to join the meeting, please send a mail to Rasmus at [email protected].

During the meeting we’ll arrange sandwiches, coffee, fruit etc.

The address is:


Strandvejen 44

2900 Hellerup

Meeting in OWASP-DK 24/2 2009 at 17.30

This will be a meeting where we talk about Rich Internet Application (RIA) technologies. We have arranged a talk from both Microsoft and Sun. Not surprisingly, the talks will be focused on the security side of the technologies.

Lined up for you we have :

  • René Løhde from Microsoft who'll talk about Silverlight. Here is a short description from René in danish :

"Silverlight Security model I .Net er Code Access Security alfa og omega for sikkerhed. I Silverlight og CoreCLR er transparency den vigtigste del af sikkerhedsmodellen og derfor er det vigtigt at vide hvilke restriktioner transparent code er underlagt. I denne session kigges på CoreCLR og de sikkerhedrelaterede aspekter af RIA applikationer med Silverlight. Der kigges blandt andet på Silverlight applikationer under full trust og Silverlight sandbox.”

  • Thorbiörn Fritzon from Sun who'll talk to us about JavaFX. Here is an abstract from Thorbiörn on his talk:

"JavaFX and the power of Java. This talk gives an overview of JavaFX, the new Rich Internet Application (RIA) environment for the Java™ platform and the capabilities that it can harness due to the fact that it runs on the complete Java™ platform. The talk will be an introduction to JavaFX and related technologies with a special focus on what Rich Internet Applications require from a security standpoint."

René and Thorbiörn will both talk for about an hour. After the talks we'll have an open discussion about RIA technologies and security in general.

This also means that we'll change the program so that there won't be time for any shorts talks about interesting projects this time around due to the fantastic chance that Sun and MS has given us by showing up and talking to us.

If you want to join the meeting, please send a mail to Louise at [email protected].

During the meeting we’ll arrange sandwiches, coffee, fruit etc.

The address is:


Weidekampsgade 6

2300 København S

It's possible to park in the basement of the Deloitte building. Just drive down the ramp and press the button to talk to our reception.

Other meetings in OWASP-DK in 2009

24/2 2009 at Deloitte

13/5 2009 at PwC

19/8 2009 at not yet decided

11/11 2009 at not yet decided

Presentations from previous OWASP meetings

24/2 2009

Rene Løhdes slides on Silverlight security

Thorbiörn Fritzons slides on JavaFX security

3/12 2008

Henrik Kramshøjs presentation on using Webscarab

Martin Clausens presentation on Flash security

Thomas Gundels presentation on Nem Login

Older news

Medlemsmøde i OWASP-DK - kl 17.30, 3. december 2008


Del I - Velkomst og oplæg

17.30 Velkomst v. Klaus Agnoletti

17.40 Oplæg - Webscarab intro v. Henrik Kramshøj

18.05 Oplæg - Hacking flash med Webscarab v. Martin Clausen

18.30 Oplæg - Nem Login v. Thomas Gundel

18.55 Oplæg - Web Application Attack and Audit Framework v. Robert Larsen

19.20 Pause og sandwiches


19.30 Intro til den globale OWASP forening v. Niels Bach

19.40 Præsentation af DK Chapter nu og i fremtiden v. Ulf Munkedal

20.00 Evaluering og aftale om næste mødeaktivitet

Vi forventer at mødet slutter senest 20.30.



Weidekampsgade 6

2300 København S