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Revision as of 16:21, 3 February 2009 by Ksullivan (talk | contribs) (Upcoming March Meeting)

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OWASP Louisville

Welcome to the Louisville chapter homepage. The chapter leader is Chris Parker


OWASP Foundation (Overview Slides) is a professional association of global members and is open to anyone interested in learning more about software security. Local chapters are run independently and guided by the Chapter_Leader_Handbook. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit professional association your support and sponsorship of any meeting venue and/or refreshments is tax-deductible. Financial contributions should only be made online using the authorized online chapter donation button. To be a SPEAKER at ANY OWASP Chapter in the world simply review the speaker agreement and then contact the local chapter leader with details of what OWASP PROJECT, independent research or related software security topic you would like to present on.


Btn donate SM.gif to this chapter or become a local chapter supporter. Or consider the value of Individual, Corporate, or Academic Supporter membership. Ready to become a member? Join Now BlueIcon.JPG


Upcoming March Meeting

This meeting will coincide with the ISSA meeting. They are a very active group and we appreciate their support!

  • When: Friday, March 6, 2009, from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm @ Innovative Productivity / McConnell Technology, 401 Industry Rd, Louisville, KY 40208

If you plan to attend the meeting please RSVP by email to Kristen Sullivan (Kristen[dot]Sullivan[at]ky[dot]gov)

Everyone is welcome to join us at our chapter meetings.

Louisville OWASP Chapter Board Members

Scope of the board is to discuss and approve local activities, meetings and plans.The board meetings will be announced at a later date. The board currently includes the following members:

  • Chapter Leader: Chris Parker
  • Kristen Sullivan
  • Carl Alexander
  • Brian Blankenship
  • Mitchell Greenfield
  • Mark Thacker
  • Ajay Gupta
  • Mark Maxey
  • Curtis Koenig
  • Scott MacArthur


The OWASP Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization incorporated in the United States of America. OWASP's all-volunteer participants produce free, professional quality, open-source documentation, tools, and standards. Consult the how OWASP works web page for more information about projects and governance. OWASP Membership

OWASP is an open source project dedicated to finding and fighting the causes of insecure software. All of our materials are free and offered under an open source license, so you do not have to become a member to use them or participate in our projects, mailing lists, conferences, meetings or other activities. On the other hand OWASP rely membership fees and sponsorship to support his activities. There are also unique benefits to become a corporate member such as the use of OWASP materials within your organization without the restrictions associated with the various open source licenses. OWASP individual members also get discounts to security conferences and other perks. For more information consult the OWASP Membership web page.