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OWASP Testing Project v3 Review Roadmap
This page track all the update to the Testing Guide v3 during the Reviewing phase.
In particular the focus is:
- Review the content of each article
- Review the english sintax
- no "attacker", better "tester"
- no "we describe", but "it is described"
Official Testing Guide Reviewers are:
- Nam Nguyen
- Kevin R.Fuller
- if you want to review it add your name please and keep track of updating
Nam Review:
Aug 31, 2008
- Appendix D
- Appendix C
- Appendix B
- Appendix A
- Chapter 5
- How to write the report of the testing
- ``TO UPDATE WITH V3 controls`` is still in the article. Has it been updated to v3? (Mat: I'm updating it, thanks)
- How to write the report of the testing
- Chapter 4
- Section 4.11 Testing for AJAX Vulnerabilities
- There are mentioning of "attackers" but I think they are fine.
- The subsection on Memory leaks is not complete.
- Section 4.11 Testing for AJAX
- The subsection "Intercepting and Debugging JS code with Browsers" is very difficult to understand. I tried to fix it, but I'm afraid what I have might not reflect what the original author wanted to express.
- Section 4.11 Testing for AJAX Vulnerabilities
Sep 02, 2008
- Chapter 4
- Section 4.10
- Subsection Testing for WS Replay Gray box testing and examples gives incomplete sample code. I believe the call to GetSessionIDMac() missed four parameters. In this same part, using SSL helps in preventing replay attack but it doesnt prevent replay attack by itself. In this same subection, the images show identifiable real Internet address in Hungary, should them be masked off?
- Section 4.10
Sep 04, 2008
- Chapter 4
- Section 4.9
- Section 4.8
- I'm not sure if format string could be classified under subsection 4.8.14 "Buffer overflow testing".
- Subsecion 4.8.3: Incomplete
- Subsection 4.8.4: Incomplete
- Subsection 4.8.5: What is "data-plane input"?
Sep 06, 2008
- Chapter 4
- Section 4.8
Kevin Review:
articles reviewed
articles reviewed
Questions: (Mat will answer it)