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OWASP Testing Project v3 Roadmap
OWASP Testing Guide v3 Roadmap
- 26th April 2008: start the new project
OWASP Leaders brainstorming.
Call for participation.
Index brainstorming
Index draft
Discuss th article content.
Deadline: Sun 18th May 2008.
- 20th May 2008
New draft Index
- 25th May 2008
Updated index: Added or to improve:
(toimp)1. Frontispiece
(toimp)1.1 About the OWASP Testing Guide Project
(new) 2.4 Security requirements test derivation, functional and non functional test requirements, and test cases through use and misuse cases
(new) 2.4.1 Security tests integrated in developers and testers workflows
(new) 2.4.2 Developers' security tests: Unit Tests, component level tests, etc
(new) 2.4.3 Functional testers' security tests: integrated system tests, tests in UAT, and production environment
(new) 2.5 Security test data analysis and reporting: root cause identification and business/role case test data reporting
4. (toimp) Web Application Penetration Testing
4.1 Introduction and Objectives
(new) 4.1.1 Testing Checklist
(toimp) 4.2 Information Gathering
(new)4.2.1 Spiders, Robots and Crawlers
(new) 4.2.2 Search Engine Discovery/Reconnaissance
(new) 4.2.3 Identify application entry points
4.2.3 (toimp) Testing for Web Application Fingerprint
(toimp)4.2.5 Analysis of Error Codes
(new) 4.3 Configuration Management Testing
(toimp) 4.3.1 SSL/TLS Testing (SSL Version, Alghoritms, Key lenght, Digital Cert. Validity
(toimp) 4.3.3 Application Configuration Management Testing
(new) 4.3.4 Testing for misconfiguration
(new) 4.3.7 Infrastructure and Application Admin Interfaces
(toimp)4.4 Business Logic Testing
(toimp)4.5 Authentication Testing
(new)4.5.1 Credentials transport over an encrypted channel
(new) 4.5.2 Testing for user enumeration
(to imp) 4.5.2 Testing for Guessable (Dictionary) User Account
(new) 4.6 Authorization testing
(new) 4.6.1 Testing for Path Traversal
(new)4.6.2 Testing for bypassing authorization schema
(new)4.6.3 Testing for Privilege Escalation
(new)4.7.2 Test the token strength (old 4.5.2 Testing for Cookie and Session Token Manipulation)
(new) 4.7.3 Testing for Cookies attributes
(new)4.8.1 Testing for Reflected Cross Site Scripting
(new)4.8.2 Testing for Stored Cross Site Scripting
(new) 4.8.3 Testing for DOM based Cross Site Scripting
(new)4.8.4 Testing for Cross Site Flashing
(toimp) Testing for XST
(toimp) 4.8.2 Testing for SQL Injection
(toimp) 4.10 Web Services Testing
(new)4.11 Client site testing
(new) 4.11.1 AJAX Testing
(new)4.11.2 Flash Testing
(new)4.11.3 RIA Testing
(toimp: Mat)5. Writing Reports: value the real risk
- 26th May 2008
4.3.8 Testing for HTTP Methods and XST in Infrastucture and Application Testing section
Sent Paragraph Template to the list
Sent new index to the list
- 28th May 2008
Added: New Testing Guide checklist.
- 30th May 2008
Session Fixation
Discuss abouut new Aspect paper about HTTP verb manipulation
- 1st June 2008
Les's start writing!
- 15th June 2008
4.1.1 Testing Checklist
4.2 Information Gathering
4.2.1 Spiders, Robots and Crawlers
4.2.3 Identify application entry points
2.4 Security requirements test derivation,functional and non functional test requirements, and test cases through use and misuse cases
4.4 Business Logic Testing
4.6 Authorization testing
4.5.3 Testing for Guessable (Dictionary) User Account
4.6 Authorization testing
4.6.2 Testing for Bypassing Authorization Schema
4.6.3 Testing for Privilege Escalation
- 29th June 2008
Written (M.Meucci): Testing_for_user_enumeration
- 7th July 2008
Testing_for_Default_or_Guessable_User_Account (K.Horvath)
Testing_for_business_logic (K.Horvath)
- 9th July 2008
Testing_for_cookies_attributes (K.Horvath)
- 12th August 2008
Articles reviewed/written (M.Meucci):
4.3 Configuration Management Testing
4.2 Information Gathering
- 13 August 2008
Reviewed (M.Meucci):
Testing_for_SQL_Wildcard_Attacks (Rick.mitchell)
(new: G.Fedon) 4.5.9 Testing Multiple Factors Authentication
Written (M.Meucci):
- 14 August 2008
Reviewed (M.Meucci):
Written (M.Meucci):
Testing_for_user_enumeration (M.Mella)
merged the 2 articles:
Testing for Session_Management_Schema
Testing for Cookie and Session Token Manipulation
Now we have a new one: Testing for Session_Management_Schema
- 15 August 2008
- 16th August 2008
Reviewed (M.Cova):
4.2 Information Gathering
4.3 Configuration Management Testing
4.5 Authentication Testing
- 18th August 2008
Reviewed (M.Cova):
4.6 Authorization testing
Written (A.van der Stock):
Testing_for_HTTP_Methods_and_XST (HTTP Verb)
- 20th August 2008
Reviewed (M.Cova):
Web Services
Written (A.Parata): MS Access Testing
- 21st August 2008
Updated (M.Meucci):
- 22nd August 2008
Writing (Adam):
(imp: M.Meucci -100%) 4.10 Web Services Testing
(new: M.Meucci -100%) 4.10.1 WS Information Gathering
(new: M.Meucci -100%) 4.10.2 Testing WSDL
(imp: M.Meucci -100%)4.10.3 XML Structural Testing
Article to finish:
(new: M.Meucci - 90% ) 4.1.1 Testing Checklist
(new:C.Heinrich - 0%)4.2.1 Spiders, Robots and Crawlers
(new:C.Heinrich - 0%)4.2.2 Search Engine Discovery/Reconnaissance
(new: Adam -90%) 4.3.7 Infrastructure and Application Admin Interfaces
(new: M.Meucci, M.Mella - 90%) 4.5.2 Testing for user enumeration
(new: G.Fedon) 4.5.9 Testing Multiple Factors Authentication
(new: A.Agarwwal, Kuza55 - 80%) 4.8.3 Testing for DOM based Cross Site Scripting
(new: A.Agarwwal, S.Di Paola - 0%)4.8.4 Testing for Cross Site Flashing
Articles to review:
MS Access Testing
Testing PostgreSQL
Project deadlines:
- 21st May: Project status presentation at the OWASP AppSec Euro 08 Conference in Belgium.
- 15th June - Participants to report on project status.
- 24th August - Finish the writing phase.
- 15th September - Project completion. Participants should deliver final project report.