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Scope of the board is to discuss and approve local activities, meetings and plans.

OWASP Morocco

Welcome to the Morocco chapter homepage. The chapter Leader is
Azzeddine RAMRAMI

Morocco Chapter co-leaders and team member

Alaeddine MESBAHI

Board member of Morocco Chapter
Abdessalem ELJAI
Othmane ERRAJI
LAMIYA Ramrami


OWASP Foundation (Overview Slides) is a professional association of global members and is open to anyone interested in learning more about software security. Local chapters are run independently and guided by the Chapter_Leader_Handbook. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit professional association your support and sponsorship of any meeting venue and/or refreshments is tax-deductible. Financial contributions should only be made online using the authorized online chapter donation button. To be a SPEAKER at ANY OWASP Chapter in the world simply review the speaker agreement and then contact the local chapter leader with details of what OWASP PROJECT, independent research or related software security topic you would like to present on.


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Contacts et Propositions de Présentations/Contributions

Entreprises, Individuels, Monde Académique, Sponsors, Supports, tout le monde est bienvenu à l'OWASP.

Pour les Entreprises souhaitant adhérer à l'OWASP, le montant de l'adhésion annuelle de $5000 US (dont 40% est reversé au Chapitre de votre choix) est 100% déductible!

Les fonds collectés servent à organiser les meetings du Chapitre Marocain, mais aussi et surtout à construire et organiser avec vous une approche spécifique en fonction de vos souhaits (sessions de sensibilisation, meetings internes, interventions de Speakers, etc.). Tout cela peut être discuté avec le Chapitre Marocain et acté conjointement avec vous si vous souhaitez adhérer à l'OWASP.

N'hésitez pas à nous solliciter si vous souhaitez discuter d'un sujet particulier, ou si vous souhaitez effectuer une présentation lors d'un meeting du Chapitre Marocain.

Amis de la Presse écrite et du Multimédia, n'hésitez pas à faire appel à nous si vous souhaitez notre concours pour vos articles et reportages, vous êtes les bienvenus et nous en serions honorés. Nous avons nous aussi besoin de vous.

Moi et le board du Chapitre Marocain restons modestes dans notre approche, mais nous souhaitons vraiment que le Chapitre OWASP Maroc devienne un de vos contacts de référence.

February 2019 Q1/2019

OWASP Training Day at ONCF, 15th February 2019 in Rabat/Morocco

Azzeddine RAMRAMI will run a one full day developper training on OWASP, on 15th February 2019.

OWASP Morocco Chapter members running this session:

Azzeddine RAMRAMI

Abdessamad TEMMAR

Abdessalam EL JAY

Location: ONCF Club

City: Rabat

Country: Morocco

Course Outline:

  • 1)        Introductions
  • 2)        Agenda
  • 3)        Secure Development Lifecycle (SDLC)
  • 4)        Lab: Threat Modeling
  • 5)        Principles of Secure Code
  • 6)        Authentication & Authorization
  • 7)        Lab: Access Control
  • 8)        Mini-Lab: Weak Session Identifiers
  • 9)        Session Management
  • 10)      Lab: SQL Injection
  • 11)      Lab: Cross-Site Scripting
  • 12)      Input Validation
  • 13)      Lab: SQL Injection Patching
  • 14)      Lab: Cross-Site Scripting Patching
  • 15)      Proper Encryption
  • 16)      Mini-Lab: Hash Breaking
  • 17)      Logic Flaws
  • 18)      Lab: Logic Flaw Exploitation
  • Addition Labs:
  • 19)      Other Attacks
  • 20)      Mini-Lab: XML Attacks
  • 21)      Security Hygiene
  • 22)      Final Lab: Hacking Contest

Sponsor of this event: MUNISYS (

June 2019 Q2/2019

OWASP Training Day at Mohammed VI Polytechnic University on June 27th, 2019 in Ben Guerir Marrakech/Morocco

Azzeddine RAMRAMI with OWASP Morocco Team will run one full day developper training on workshop OWASP, on 27th June 2019.

This session will run by Azzeddine RAMRAMI, Abdessalam ELJAI and Othmane TAGAMART.

Location: Universite Mohamed VI Bengruir

City: Ben Guerir / UM6P

AdresseMohammed VI Polytechnic University 

Lot 660, Hay Moulay Rachid Ben Guerir, 43150, Morocco

Country: Morocco

Workshop Outline: Two sessions

  • Introduction à l'OWASP: Abdessalam JAY                                                                                                                09h00 - 09h30 
  • L'état de l'art de la sécurité IoT: Othmane TAMAGARTI                                                                                            09h30 - 10h30  
  • Pause café                                                                                                                                                                 10h30 - 11h00 
  • Secure Coding Java & .NET with OWASP TOP 10 2017 Part 1: Azzeddine RAMRAMI & Othmane TAMAGART   11h00 - 13h00 
  • Pause déjeuner                                                                                                                                                          13h00 - 14h00 
  • Secure Coding Java & .NET with OWASP TOP 10 2017 Part 2: Azzeddine RAMRAMI & Othmane TAMAGART   14h00 - 16h00   
  • Pause café                                                                                                                                                                 16h00 - 16h30 
  • Secure Coding Java & .NET with OWASP TOP 10 2017 Part 3: Azzeddine RAMRAMI & Othmane TAMAGART   16h30 - 18h00  

Contact to subscription:
Azzeddine RAMRAMI

Sponsor of this event: Adam Ridson

Welcome to the second edition of OWASP AppSec Morocco and Africa in Casablanca, Hotel Val d'Anfa on November 15-16, 2018.

At AppSec Morocco & Africa you can connect with over 250 security professionals in our sponsor hall. Our floor plan is designed to allow you to engage with speakers and attendees.

Thank you to the Sponsors of Appsec Morocco & Africa 2018 :

Here the final list of our speakers from differents countries including Africa (Morocco and Algerie), Canada, Europe and Asia.

OWASP AppSec Africa 2017

OWASP participe à l'évènement MCSC 2017 à l'ENSIAS Rabat

OWASP participe à l'évènement MCSC 2016 à l'ENSIAS Rabat/Maroc le 14 et 15 mai 2016

J'ai le plaisir que l'OWASP Morocco Chapter participe en tant que partenaire sécurité à l'évènement MCSC 2016 à l'ENSIAS Rabat le week-end du 14 au 15 mai 2015:

Je vous informe que l'OWASP intervient avec les thèmes suivants:

1. Une conference sur IOT SECURITY avec Mlle.Sanae, PhD Studnet ENSA Tétouan/OWASP Morocco Team 2. Un hands-on de 3h sur comment sécuriser une application web les outils opensource, Azzeddine RAMRAMI, OWASP Leader/IBM Security Senior Architect

Les inscriptions sont disponibles via le lien suivant:

N’hésitez pas donc à s'inscrire et à inviter toute personne intéressée.

Notre sponsor pour cet events est ADAM RIDSON


We need your help, Call for additional sponsors We need sponsors for meeting room, flight cost, hotel accomodations. Please contact the Chapter Leader on how to apply.

Volonteer are encouraged to join OWASP Morocco Chapter. Please contact the Chapter Leader Azzeddine RAMRAMI

2015-03-14 : VINCI school at Rabat provide as with a large room for our seminars. Thanks to the President of VINCI Mr Amine RACHDI

2014-06-22 : MoroccoJUG (Morocco Java User Group) and OWASP Morocco organised a new Java Secure Coding session at Centre Eclipse Casablanca. See

2012-05-02 : VINCI school at Rabat provide as with a large room for our seminars. Thanks to the President of VINCI Mr Amine RACHDI

2010-12-26 : INSEC (Information Security Club)is planing on 16th of April 2011 the first edition of "Moroccan Cyber Security Challenge". A challenge that will gather teams from 14 engineering schools in Morocco interested to information security and assurance. OWASP will be present in this events.

2010-12-24 : First meeting preparation in Morocco in Rabat or Casablanca

2010-12-24 : Modification of Morocco Local Chapter Wiki

2010-12-24 : Azzeddine RAMRAMI is co-leader for Morocco local chapter. Welcome!

OWASP Training Day : Web Application Security Course - Secure Coding Techniques - March 28th, 2013 - at Rabat/Morocco

  • ABSTRACT: During this training class Azzeddine RAMRAMI and two other OWASP Volunteers will present a Web Application Security and Secure Coding based on Java and PHP Security, .NET Security and Web 2.0 Botnets.
  • WHEN: March 28th, 2013
  • WHERE: VINCI Ecole Supérieure Rabat/Morocco see VINCI Ecole Supérieure Rabat

10,Rue Al Yamama (Aproximité de la gare Rabat-Ville), Rabat - Tél: 05 37 70 69 05 - E-mail: [email protected]


At AXEL TELECOM (Axel Telecom) or at VINCI (VINCI Ecole Supérieure)

  • FEES: Course is free of charge. Nb of seat limited to 25 per class
  • SPONSORS: Sponsor are welcome to support this event, please contact the Chapter Leader Azzeddine RAMRAMI
  • AGENDA: OWASP Seminars
  • -----------------------------------------------
  • Opening Session : OWASP Presentation and Introduction - 9:30am to 10am - Seat : No Limit
  • Session 1: Secure Coding Technique - Technical Course - 10am to 5pm - Seat : 25
  • Session 2: Resilient C&C Botnets Using Web 2.0 Technologies - Presentation, PoC and Demo - 10am to 5pm - Seat : 25
  • Session 3: Secure Coding Cryptograhy Crash Course - Theory 10am à 12am - Seat : 25
  • Session 3: Secure Coding Cryptograhy Crash Course - Hands-On 2pm à 5pm - Seat : 25
  • -----------------------------------------------
  • Optional: Please BYOD if you want to participate to PoC, Hands-on and Demo

OWASP Training Day : Web Application Security Course - Secure Coding Techniques - March 28th, 2013 - at Rabat/Morocco

  • ABSTRACT: During this training class Azzeddine RAMRAMI and two other OWASP Volunteers will present a Web Application Security and Secure Coding based on Java and PHP Security, .NET Security and Web 2.0 Botnets.
  • WHEN: March 28th, 2013
  • WHERE: VINCI Ecole Supérieure Rabat/Morocco see VINCI Ecole Supérieure Rabat

10,Rue Al Yamama (Aproximité de la gare Rabat-Ville), Rabat - Tél: 05 37 70 69 05 - E-mail: [email protected]


At AXEL TELECOM (Axel Telecom) or at VINCI (VINCI Ecole Supérieure)

  • FEES: Course is free of charge. Nb of seat limited to 25 per class
  • SPONSORS: Sponsor are welcome to support this event, please contact the Chapter Leader Azzeddine RAMRAMI
  • AGENDA: OWASP Seminars
  • -----------------------------------------------
  • Opening Session : OWASP Presentation and Introduction - 9:30am to 10am - Seat : No Limit
  • Session 1: Secure Coding Technique - Technical Course - 10am to 5pm - Seat : 25
  • Session 2: Resilient C&C Botnets Using Web 2.0 Technologies - Presentation, PoC and Demo - 10am to 5pm - Seat : 25
  • Session 3: Secure Coding Cryptograhy Crash Course - Theory 10am à 12am - Seat : 25
  • Session 3: Secure Coding Cryptograhy Crash Course - Hands-On 2pm à 5pm - Seat : 25
  • -----------------------------------------------
  • Optional: Please BYOD if you want to participate to PoC, Hands-on and Demo

Web Application Security Seminar - May 18th, 2012 - at VINCI School Rabat/Morocco

  • MAIN PRESENTERS: Azzeddine RAMRAMI: OWASP Leader, Hamza WARAKI: Pôle Sécurité PenTest OWASP Morocco, Tarif EL AOUADI from Lexi and Intissar from VINCI
  • ABSTRACT: During this seminars Azzeddine RAMRAMI will present a complete Architecture Security Framework to implement Web Application Security the IT landscape. Hamza WARAKI will present how to conduct an OWASP Web Application PenTesting. OWASP activity and spirit will be presented in this event.
  • WHEN: May 18th, 2012
  • WHERE: VINCI Ecole Supérieure Rabat/Morocco see VINCI Ecole Supérieure Rabat

10,Rue Al Yamama (Aproximité de la gare Rabat-Ville), Rabat - Tél: 05 37 70 69 05 - E-mail: [email protected]


At AXEL TELECOM (Axel Telecom) or at VINCI (VINCI Ecole Supérieure)


09:00-09:30 Welcome
09:30-09:45 OWASP Presentation ( Azzeddine RAMRAMI )
09:45-10:00 Security Awarnasse ( Tarik EL AOUADI )
10:00-10:30 OSSTMM v3.0 a PenTest Methodlogy - Overview ( Intissar EL MEZROUI )
10:30-10:45 PAUSE
10:45-11:30 How to conduct a Web Application Pen Testing ( Hamza WARRAKI)
11:30-12:00 OWASP WebGoat & Attack Example (A virtual Hacking Environnement) (Nawfal Makdad )
14:30-15:30 OWASP WebGoat & Attack Example (A virtual Hacking Environnement) (Nawfal Makdad )
15:30-16:15 Smartphone Security (Tarik EL OUADI)
16:15-16:30 PAUSE
16:30-17:00 Smartphone Security (Tarik EL AOUADI)
17:00-17:45 Writing Secure Code : Java Principles ( Azzeddine RAMRAMI )
17:45-18:00 Questions & Answers

Morocco Cyber Security Event Virtual Machin image

To be posted after the first meeting


Papers and Articles