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KR.Shankara Narayanan is an Independent Security Researcher and a Public Speaker. He is also the Co-Founder of Sec4Surf (Security for Surfers) an initiative to create cyber awareness among students and common people. In addition to these, Shankara Narayanan also has conducted Ethical hacking and Cyber Security Workshops at Vellore and Chennai and also have been resource person to various colleges like Tamil Nadu Dr Ambedkar Law University, Hindustan University, VIT-Vellore Institute of Technology. He is Leading the Open Web Application Security Project Vellore Chapter And also the Regional head of Hackers Day Vellore Chapter
Volunteer Experience
• Chapter Leader - OWASP Vellore
• Regional Head - HackersDay Vellore
- Tamil Nadu Dr Ambedkar Law University - School of Excellence in Law
- VIT- Vellore Institute of Technology
- Hindustan University
- OWASP - Vellore
- Zerocool Hackz - Chennai