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Projects/OWASP Media Project/Roadmap

Revision as of 00:00, 8 June 2019 by Jonathan Marcil (talk | contribs)

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Next goal

Create the OWASP Video Portal.


  1. ✓ Create and setup an official YouTube channel: OWASPGLOBAL
  2. Create the OWASP Video Portal
    1. Find a good subdomain name such as
    2. Release the video portal on the subdomain
  3. Engage the future marketing committee to invest in promoting video content
  4. Find contributors for video spotlights on YouTube OWASPGLOBAL (links to other channels)

Getting Involved

Reach us on Slack or on the Google Group!topic/media-project to be involved!

Soon we'll also be on GitHub and you can contribute there with PRs and Issues.