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OWASP Media Project

Revision as of 21:47, 7 June 2019 by Jonathan Marcil (talk | contribs) (Mailing List)

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OWASP Media Project

OWASP Media Project is an operational project that gather, consolidate and promote OWASP content in video format on a central appealing hub. The first instance of the project is a YouTube channel for publishing major conference recordings and links to other channels. The second and target main instance of the project will be a platform/channel agnostic video portal.

OWASP Video Portal

We're currently developing a portal tied with the new OWASP website that will serve video content to the OWASP audience. It will be an index only as the source content will stay on their respective platform. Current technical target is to be hosted on GitHub Pages. If you want to contribute or want your content to be included, come find us on GitHub (link to be added soon)!

Are you a chapter or project and want access on YouTube?

We suggest that leaders create their own channel and request to be linked to. Send us an email into our project Google Groups to be added. The main reason is that YouTube unfortunately doesn't scale well for access management and having your own channel will give you the control and responsiveness of action you need.


OWASP Media Project is distributing content that is free to use. It is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license, so you can copy, distribute and transmit the work, and you can adapt it, and use it commercially, but all provided that you attribute the work and if you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under the same or similar license to this one.

AppSecUSA 2018 playlist

AppSecEU 2018 playlist

AppSecUSA 2017 playlist

AppSecEU 2017 playlist

AppSecUSA 2016 playlist

AppSecEU 2016 playlist

AppSecUSA 2015 playlist

AppSecEU 2015 playlist

Live from AppSecUSA 2014 playlist

Live from AppSecEU 2014 playlist

Quick Access

YouTube Official OWASP Channel

What is OWASP Media Project?

OWASP Media Project provides:

Project Leader

  • Jonathan Marcil

See Project About for contributors.

Mailing List

Google Groups

News and Events

  • [Jun 06 2019] Reached 1,000,000 views on YouTube!
  • [Mar 24 2017] Reached 500,000 views on YouTube!
  • [Jul 26 2015] Reached 200,000 views on YouTube!
  • [Nov 21 2014] Reached 100,000 views on YouTube!
  • [Apr 07 2014] Wiki page updated to new template.
  • [Sep 14 2013] Creation of the project


Team San Francisco #downtown Owaspmediaprojectteamdowntown.jpg

Team Denver #appsecstreaming Appsecstreaming-denver.jpg

Academic Partner Münster University of Applied Sciences IT Security Lab

Logo international vollton itseclab.png

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