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Revision as of 04:45, 8 February 2019 by Mccamon (talk | contribs) (Staff Projects Landing Page)

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Staff Work in Progress

Vision: Global and open resource for software security

Theme: Simplify, Unify, Grow

  1. Simplify: Reduce the complexity of advancing the mission of the Foundation
  2. Unify: Create and nurture a “One OWASP” culture within the community
  3. Grow: Increase reputation of Foundation that will grow involvement and influence

Staff Projects

Staff Project are work product primarily done by staff that require either 40+hrs of staff time or have a financial obligation of more than $10,000. Active Staff Projects have written plans that include measurable goals, milestones, and should be linked below. Prioritized Staff Projects are in the formation stages and are listed in rank importance. Unprioritized Staff Projects are items that lack a plan and are in a "bucket list" until they get prioritized with a project plan.

Active Projects

  • Global AppSec Tel Aviv
  • Staff Summit
  • PayPal Cleanup
  • JIRA Retool

Prioritized Projects

  • Global AppSec Amsterdam
  • Global AppSec DC
  • Operating Plan
  • Trademark
  • Conference Budget/Itinerary/Project Template

Unprioritized Projects

  • Website Launch
  • Mailman replacement/migration
  • SalesForce Cleanup


  • Create and share best practices and tools for InfoSec community
  • Increase connectedness and engagement within the community.
  • Position the Foundation for growth.
  • Professionalize administrative and operational tasks and practices.
  • Redesign financial model and membership benefits.

Foundation Goals for 2019 - DRAFT

  • Optimize business operations to overachieve financial and membership targets.
  • Manage three profitable global conferences, planning four in 2020.
  • Successfully relaunch website and community toolset by June 1.
  • Increase relevance and reputation of OWASP measured by 5% increase in web traffic.
  • Improve satisfaction with OWASP by survey measured 5% increase.
  • Increase membership by 20% and Corporate Sponsorship revenue by 25%.