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OWASP Cheat Sheet Series

Revision as of 08:48, 9 December 2018 by Dominique RIGHETTO (talk | contribs) (Update roadmap for 2019)

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Our goal

The OWASP Cheat Sheet Series was created to provide a concise collection of high value information on specific application security topics. These cheat sheets were created by various application security professionals who have expertise in specific topics. We hope that the OWASP Cheat Sheet Series provides you with excellent security guidance in an easy to read format.

If you have any questions about the OWASP Cheat Sheet Series, please email the project leader Jim Manico, subscribe to our project email list or contact us on the project's Slack channel.

Bridge between the projects OWASP Proactive Controls and OWASP Cheat Sheet Series

A work channel has been created between these 2 projects using the following process (OPC = OWASP Proactive Controls / OCS = OWASP Cheat Sheet):

  • When a Cheat Sheet is missing for a Control in OPC then the OCS will handle the missing and create one. When the Cheat Sheet is ready then the reference is added by OPC.
  • If a Cheat Sheet exists for an OPC Control but the content do not provide the expected help about the Control then the Cheat Sheet is updated to provide the content needed/expected by the Control.

The reason of the creation of this bridge is to add more consistency to the OCS project by providing it:

  • A consistent source for the requests regarding new Cheat Sheets.
  • Same approach about the update of the existing Cheat Sheets.
  • A usage context for the Cheat Sheet and a quick source of feedack about the quality and the efficiency of the Cheat Sheet.

It is not mandatory that a request for a new Cheat Sheet (or for an update) come only from OPC but it will become, with the time, the main input source.

Requests from OPC are flagged with the label "OWASP Proactive Controls Request" in the roadmap in order to identify them and set them as a top level priority.

Project Leaders


Paweł Krawczyk, Mishra Dhiraj, Shruti Kulkarni, Torsten Gigler, Michael Coates, Jeff Williams, Dave Wichers, Kevin Wall, Jeffrey Walton, Eric Sheridan, Kevin Kenan, David Rook, Fred Donovan, Abraham Kang, Dave Ferguson, Shreeraj Shah, Raul Siles, Colin Watson, Neil Matatall, Zaur Molotnikov, Manideep Konakandla, Santhosh Tuppad and many more!

OWASP Cheat Sheets


Lab Project Owasp-builders-small.png
Project Type Files DOC.jpg

Slack & Twitter

Slack channel information:

  • Server
  • Channel cheatsheets

Twitter hash tag: #owaspcheatsheetseries


A PDF book of all Cheat Sheets can be downloaded here.

Email List

Project Email List

Still used for technical discussion but we highly prefer:

  • The Slack channel for announcement and technical discussion.
  • The Twitter hash tag for announcement only.


The OWASP Cheat Sheet Series is free to use under the Creative Commons ShareAlike 3 License.

Related Projects

News and Events


Ensure all entities go through an appropriate and adequate form of authentication. All the application non-public resource must be protected and shouldn't be bypassed.

For more information, check Authentication Cheat Sheet

Session Management

Use secure session management practices that ensure that authenticated users have a robust and cryptographically secure association with their session.

For more information, check Session Management Cheat Sheet

Access Control

Ensure that a user has access only to the resources they are entitled to. Perform access control checks on the server side on every request. All user-controlled parameters should be validated for entitlemens checks. Check if user name or role name is passed through the URL or through hidden variables. Prepare an ACL containing the Role-to-Function mapping and validate if the users are granted access as per the ACL.

For more information, check Access Control Cheat Sheet

Input Validation

Input validation is performed to minimize malformed data from entering the system. Input Validation is NOT the primary method of preventing XSS, SQL Injection. These are covered in output encoding below.

For more information, check Input Validation Cheat Sheet

Output Encoding

Output encoding is the primary method of preventing XSS and injection attacks. Input validation helps minimize the introduction of malformed data, but it is a secondary control.

For more information, check XSS (Cross Site Scripting) Prevention Cheat Sheet.

Cross Domain

Ensure that adequate controls are present to prevent against Cross-site Request Forgery, Clickjacking and other 3rd Party Malicious scripts.

For more information, check Cross Site Request Forgery

Secure Transmission

Ensure that all the applications pages are served over cryptographically secure HTTPs protocols. Prohibit the transmission of session cookies over HTTP.

For more information, check Transport Protection Cheat Sheet


Ensure that all the security related events are logged. Events include: User log-in (success/fail); view; update; create, delete, file upload/download, attempt to access through URL, URL tampering. Audit logs should be immutable and write only and must be protected from unauthorized access.

For more information, check Logging Cheat Sheet


Ensure that the size, type, contents, and name of the uploaded files are validated. Uploaded files must not be accessible to users by direct browsing. Preferably store all the uploaded files in a different file server/drive on the server. All files must be virus scanned using a regularly updated scanner.

For more information, check

For 2019:

  1. Move the entire project to an OWASP owned GITHUB project: We will follow the same approach than the one use by the OWASP MSTG project.
    • Made the CS more readable and more efficient possible for the reader.
    • Review the PDF book generation process because the rendering is not OK for all.
    • Enhance the management of the delivery planning and process for the CS.
  2. Ensure that the all controls points of the OWASP Proactive Controls project are covered by different cheat sheet.
  3. Same thing for the OWASP Application Security Verification Standard project.
  4. Create a "marketing" PowerPoint presentation in order to allow any people to talk about the project during an event.

Cheat Sheet delivery planning management:

Delivery planning is now managed via this Trello Board.

If you want to contribute on a CS, please create a Trello account and notify the project leaders (by Email or by Slack) in order that we initiate the delivery process together.

Cheat sheet creation workflow



  • The schema has been created using site.
  • XML source file of the schema is here, use this file to edit the schema with site.

Cheat sheet content

The key points that all cheat sheets (called CS) must provides are the following:

  1. Address a single topic (ex: password storage, OS command injection, REST service, CSRF, HTML5 new features security...).
  2. Be concise and focused: A cheat sheet must be directly actionable (a CS is not a guide) and must be directly useful for a developer.
  3. Do not re-address topic handled by others CS. In this case, the target CS will be enhanced with missing points.
  4. When applicable, provide a solution proposal implementation through a full documented POC on a public well know Git repository (GitHub is highly prefered), the POC can be used as a playground for a developer wanting to play/evaluate your solution proposal.

Cheat sheet structure

A CS must have these sections:

  1. Introduction: Provide high level information about the topic in order to introduce it to people that do not know it. You can add pointer to external sources if needed but at least give an overview allowing a reader to continue on the CS. You can also add schema or diagram in any part of the CS but be sure to respect the copyright of the source file.
  2. Context: Describe the security issues that are bring or commonly meet when someone must work on this topic.
  3. Objective: Describe the objective of the CS. What the CS will bring to the reader?
  4. Proposition:
    1. Describe how to address the security issues in a possible technology agnostic approach.
    2. Using your POC, describe your solution proposal in the more teaching possible way.
  5. Sources of the prototype: Add pointer to the public GitHub repository on which the source code of POC is hosted.

For the code snippet, use the mediawiki tag syntaxhighlight:

If you want to be careful in order to prevent to break something in the target existing CS, you can follow this contribution procedure:

  1. Take a copy of the CS that you want to enhance (mediawiki syntax in the source tab).
  2. Add your enhancement and publish the updated CS on the same GitHub repository than your POC (it support the mediawiki syntax).
  3. Notify the CS Community using this mailing list and the CS Community will review the CS using GitHub comments system.
  4. When the feedback loop is finished, the CS Community will help you to have right access to the wiki in order to update the CS.

Cheat sheet template

If the target CS is a new one then please use the following template struture.

It allow you to work:

<div style="width:100%;height:160px;border:0,margin:0;overflow: hidden;">[[File:Cheatsheets-header.jpg|link=]]</div>

{| style="padding: 0;margin:0;margin-top:10px;text-align:left;" |-
| valign="top" style="border-right: 1px dotted gray;padding-right:25px;" |
Last revision (mm/dd/yy): '''{{REVISIONMONTH}}/{{REVISIONDAY}}/{{REVISIONYEAR}}'''

__TOC__{{TOC hidden}}

= Introduction =

Provide high level information about the topic in order to introduce it to people that do not know it.
You can add pointer to external sources if needed but at least give an overview allowing a reader to continue on the CS.
You can also add schema or diagram in any part of the CS but be sure to respect the copyright of the source file.

= Context =

Describe the security issues that are bring or commonly meet when someone must work on this topic.

= Objective =

Describe the objective of the CS.
What the CS will bring to the reader.

= Proposition =

1. Describe how to address the security issues in a possible technology agnostic approach.
2. Using your POC, describe your solution proposal in the more teaching possible way. Use "syntaxhighlight" tag for code snippet.

= Sources of the prototype =

Add pointer to the public GitHub repository on which the source code of POC is hosted.

= Authors and Primary Editors =

Add your name and email.

= Other Cheatsheets =


