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Ade Yoseman Putra

Revision as of 10:14, 11 June 2018 by Yoseman (talk | contribs)

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1. Researcher & also a Co-founder of Security Just Illusion(non-profit organization information security).
2. He has more than 5 years’ experience in information security,
3. experience in cert (computer emergency response team).
4. Besides that, he has experience as security consultant in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia (2014) .
5 finalist / 3rd Team Winner for Cyberlympics Asia-Australia (2012)
6. He has Information Security Trainer in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and Indonesia.
7. he has spoken at arsenal, Blackhat Asia 2017, Blackhat Asia 2018 , Bussiness Hall Blackhat Asia 2018.
8. founder of Security BSide Indonesia . BSide is open security conference in the world


Lists contributor to owasp
1. Trainer in OWASP KL DAY 2016, University Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
2. An OWASP Indonesia Chapter Leader
3. Help organize owasp risk rating management @owasp summit london england 2017 through remotely
4. OWASP volunteer (owasp risk rating management project leader)
5. OWASP SecureTea Project Lead
6. Keynote speaker @ Taiwan International Information Security Organization Summit 2017 OWASP DAY TAIWAN 2017
7. First whom organized OWASP Cyber Security Conference 2017 in Indonesia
8. Spoken at OWASP Sendai Chapter Meeting , Sendai, Japan.


عن نافع بن عتبة قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم : تغزون جزيرة العرب فيفتحها الله ثم تغزون فارس فيفتحها الله ثم تغزون الروم فيفتحا الله ثم تغزون الدجال فيفتحه الله . روه مسلم

             Dari Nafi’ bin ‘Utbah, Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam bersabda : Engkau akan memerangi Jazirah Arab dan Allah akan memenangkannya untukmu. Kemudian engkau akan memerangi Persia dan Allah akan memenangkannya untukmu. (Kemudian engkau akan memerangi Romawi dan Allah akan memenangkannya untukmu). Kemudian engkau akan memerangi Dajjal dan Allah akan memenangkannya untukmu. [Shahih Muslim]


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