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OWASP SecureTea Project

Revision as of 05:29, 29 November 2017 by Yoseman (talk | contribs)

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OWASP SecureTea Tool Project

The OWASP SecureTea Project is a application designed to help Secure a person's laptop or computer with IoT (Internet Of Things) for notify users via twitter, whenever anyone accessing his laptop or computer. This application work using the touchpad / mouse / wireless mouse and developed in python.

The purpose of this application is to warn the user (on twitter) whenever her laptop accessible. This small application was developed and tested in python in linux machine (TeaLinuxOS) likely to be working well in the Raspberry Pi as well.


The OWASP SecureTea Project that was developed to be used by anyone who is interested in Security IOT (Internet of Things) and still needs further development.

How it functions:

  • Keep track of the movement of the mouse / touchpad
  • Detect who access the laptop with mouse / touchpad is installed
  • Send warning messages on Twitter


To alert the user via twitter, whenever her laptop had been accessed someone.



  • Linux OS / Raspberry Pi - have sudo access on the terminal / console
  • Mouse / Wireless Mouse / Touchpad congenital laptop
  • Mobile phones are already installed Twitter application (Optional)


  • Python - (sudo apt-get install python)
  • Twitter Python Package - (already present in the repo: twitter-1.17.1)
  • The Twitter account -
  • Mobile phones are already installed Twitter application (Optional)


  1. Python must be installed. (If not already installed: sudo apt-get install python)
  2. Install twitter package of this repo:
  • cd SecureTea / twitter-1.17.1 /
  • sudo python build install
  1. Visit and "Create new app" to obtain authentication and token codes.
  2. Open the "" with a text editor and edit the following variables:
  • API_KEY = 'XXXX'
  1. Optionally in "" You can set debug = 1 to enable the console log (default: enabled). or set debug = 0without logging in console.
  2. Install Mouse / Wireless Mouse Touchpad if not functioning properly (Linux / Raspberry machine).
  3. Okay, Run program -> sudo python
  4. Notice his WELCOME_MSG Like this: Welcome to SecureTea .. !! Initializing System @ Mon Mar 20 17:06:28 2017
  5. laptop access by moving the mouse / touchpad to see the cumulative X and Y coordinates on the console. If you have a twitter app installed on your phone, you can get updates on the "message" from your twitter account.
  6. Checks Alert message on the console and on twitter your inbox. Alert (1): Someone has access your laptop when Mon Mar 20 17:04:13 2017


GNU GPL v3 License

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the link GNU Affero General Public License 3.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License.

Project Resources

Installation Package

Source Code

What's New (Revision History)


Wiki Home Page

Issue Tracker

Slide Presentation

Video (Coming Soon)

Project Leader

Project leader's name

Bambang Rahmadi Kurniawan Payu

OWASP Jakarta Chapter

Related Projects


Project Type Files TOOL.jpg
Incubator Project Owasp-builders-small.png
Affero General Public License 3.0

News and Events

Presentation donwload here (PDF)

How can I participate in your project?

All you have to do is make the Project Leader's aware of your available time to contribute to the project. It is also important to let the Leader's know how you would like to contribute and pitch in to help the project meet it's goals and milestones. There are many different ways you can contribute to an OWASP Project, but communication with the leads is key.

If I am not a programmer can I participate in your project?

Yes, you can certainly participate in the project if you are not a programmer or technical. The project needs different skills and expertise and different times during its development. Currently, we are looking for researchers, writers, graphic designers, and a project administrator. See the Road Map and Getting Involved tab for more details.


The OWASP Tool Project Template is developed by a worldwide team of volunteers. A live update of project contributors is found here.

- Gather existing presentations and pull ideas into OWASP.

- Review IoT and identify security issues handled by these application.

- Review PYTHON related literature (books, articles, ...)

- Document ways to secure computer/laptop.


As of November, 2013, the highest priorities for the next 6 months are:

  • Complete the first draft of the Tool Project Template
  • Get other people to review the Tool Project Template and provide feedback
  • Incorporate feedback into changes in the Tool Project Template
  • Finalize the Tool Project template and have it reviewed to be promoted from an Incubator Project to a Lab Project

Subsequent Releases will add

  • Internationalization Support
  • Additional Unit Tests
  • Automated Regression tests

Getting Involved

Involvement in the development and promotion of Tool Project Template is actively encouraged! You do not have to be a security expert or a programmer to contribute. Some of the ways you can help are as follows:


We could implement some of the later items on the roadmap sooner if someone wanted to help out with unit or automated regression tests


Are you fluent in another language? Can you help translate the text strings in the Tool Project Template into that language?


Do you have a flair for finding bugs in software? We want to product a high quality product, so any help with Quality Assurance would be greatly appreciated. Let us know if you can offer your help.


Please use the Tool Project Template project mailing list for feedback about:

  • What do like?
  • What don't you like?
  • What features would you like to see prioritized on the roadmap?

The Tool Project Template must specify the minimum set of tabs a project should have, provide some an example layout on each tab, provide instructional text on how a project leader should modify the tab, and give some example text that illustrates how to create an actual project.

It would also be ideal if the sample text was translated into different languages.

What does this OWASP project offer you?
What releases are available for this project?
what is this project?
Name: N/A
Purpose: N/A
License: N/A
who is working on this project?
Project Leader(s): N/A
how can you learn more?
Project Pamphlet: Not Yet Created
Project Presentation:
Mailing list: N/A
Project Roadmap: Not Yet Created
Key Contacts
  • Contact the GPC to contribute to this project
  • Contact the GPC to review or sponsor this project
current release
last reviewed release

other releases