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January 11, 2017
Revision as of 14:05, 16 May 2017 by KateHartmann (talk | contribs)
Dial In Info
Notice of Recording
- Notice to all attendees - board meetings are recorded and publicly available as of March, 2013
- Joining the call acknowledges your awareness of recording and consent to be recorded and public dissemination of the recording.
- Meeting Recording
- Date/Time: Januarry 11, 2017, 14:00-15:30 PST - TimeZone Converter
Teleconference Information:
International Toll Free Calling Information
Attendance Tracker
Board Meeting Attendance Tracker
Meeting Minutes
Reading Material
It is a requirement as a board member to fully read all material prior to the start of the meeting
Meeting Agenda
Call to Order /OWASP Mission
- Administrative (List of attendees and Agenda bashing (only if last-minute changes to the agenda are needed) (5 min)
Board reports to be handled offline.
Staff reports to be handled offline. Details are here for informational purposes.
- January 2016 Operations Update Note: This new report combines all staff reports in a single blog post.
- Monthly & YTD Financials
Old Business
All active board proposals are listed here
- 50K USD seed fund request for the owasp-devseccon-summit in 2017
- Marketing agreement with DevSecCon for the Summit in June (see email Kelly).
New Business
All active board proposals are listed here
- 2017 Board Roles
- 2017 Budget: Working Spreadsheet [Andrew]
- 2017 Strategic Goals
- Konda Single Goal: Membership
- Staff Goal: Communication Plan
- Coates Goal: Worldwide Trainings
- AJV Goal - Education
- Updating Membership Models: New plans created by staff based on past community, board and staff discussions. These proposed changes account for a more diverse membership and were developed to optimize accessibility and growth. Published to the community on January 6th. The article has had 1299 views and two comments were made on the changes. * This is operationally relevant as work is being done on the back end of this.
- PROPOSAL: An OWASP Foundation Board member is elected to a two-year term. A Board member may run again for re-election at any point in the future, but may serve no more than two two-year terms in any ten year period. Current Board members would be allowed to complete their current term. This would encourage new ideas and renewed energy on the OWASP Board of Directors and keep elections from being a popularity contest where incumbents may be difficult to displace. [Josh]
Action Items
- Next meeting date/time: