This site is the archived OWASP Foundation Wiki and is no longer accepting Account Requests.
To view the new OWASP Foundation website, please visit
- April, 3: Manizales, Colombia
- April, 5-6: Montevideo, Uruguay
- April, 7: Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
- April, 20-21: Lima, Peru
- April, 21: Patagonia, Argentina
- April, 21: San José, Costa Rica
- April, 21-22: Santa Cruz, Bolivia
- April, 22: Cancun, Mexico
- April, 27: Caracas, Venezuela
- April, TBC: Bogotá, Colombia
- April, TBC: São Paulo, Brasil
- April, TBC: Honduras
- April, TBC: República Dominicana
- April, TBC: Quito, Ecuador
- April, TBC: Santiago de Chile
- April, TBC: Cordoba, Argentina
- April, TBC: Guatemala
- April, TBC: Caracas, Venezuela
Latam Tour Objective
The OWASP Latam Tour objective is to raise awareness about application security in the Latin America region, so that people and organizations can make informed decisions about true application security risks. Everyone is free to participate in OWASP and all of our materials are available under a free and open software license.
We are proposing a chapters conference driven model in which the sessions are free for everybody and the costs are supported by a mix of funding i.e. OWASP Foundation, local chapter budget, external sponsorship, etc. 1-day training sessions are also offered in some tour stops. These sessions’ fees are $ 200USD for OWASP members and $ 250 USD for non-members (group discounts may apply).
Who Should Attend the Latam Tour?
- Application Developers
- Application Testers and Quality Assurance
- Application Project Management and Staff
- Chief Information Officers, Chief Information Security Officers, Chief Technology Officers, Deputies, Associates and Staff
- Chief Financial Officers, Auditors, and Staff Responsible for IT Security Oversight and Compliance
- Security Managers and Staff
- Executives, Managers, and Staff Responsible for IT Security Governance
- IT Professionals Interesting in Improving IT Security
- Anyone interested in learning about or promoting Web Application Security
Special offer - Become an OWASP Member
As part of the OWASP Latam Tour, you could become an OWASP Member by paying 20 U$D. Show your support and become an OWASP member today!
- If you have any questions about the Latam Tour, please send an email to [email protected]
#Latamtour hashtag for your tweets for Latam Tour (What are hashtags?)
@AppSecLatam Twitter Feed (follow us on Twitter!) <twitter>34534108</twitter>
Do you want to give a talk or a training session in Latin America?
Please send your proposals to the corresponding chapter leader before March 1st 2017:
- Argentina (Buenos Aires): Martin Tartarelli
- Argentina (Patagonia): Gaston Toth [[email protected]]
- Bolivia: Elvin Mollinedo [[email protected]]
- Chile: Carlos Allendes [[email protected]]
- Colombia: Diego Ademir Duarte [[email protected]]
- Ecuador (Quito): Ramiro Pulgar [[email protected]]
- Guatemala: Pablo Barrera [[email protected]]
- Peru (Lima) : John Vargas [[email protected]]
- Honduras : Gustavo Solano [[email protected]]
- Rep.Dominicana : Jonathan Correa [[email protected]]
- Uruguay (Montevideo): Mateo Martinez [[email protected]]
- Venezuela (Caracas): Edgar Salazar [[email protected]]
By your submission you agree to the Speaker Agreement, Invited Speaker Agreement or Instructor Agreement.
URUGUAY: 5-6 de Abril de 2017 (Conferencia de Seguridad Gratuita)
El evento más importante de la región llega nuevamente a Uruguay, OWASP Latam tour 2017!.
Expositores internacionales estarán presentando conferencias sobre los temas más importantes en Seguridad en Aplicaciones.
Montevideo, Uruguay.
ORGANIZA: OWASP Chapter Uruguay
Te invitamos a ser parte del capítulo OWASP Uruguay.
Toda la información del capítulo se encuentra en: Link al Sitio Web de OWASP URUGUAY
We are looking for Sponsors for the Latam Tour 2017
This is a truly unique opportunity to increase your brand recognition as a company dedicated to the highest standards of professional technology & security in the Latin-America region but also internationally throughout the world while supporting the continued activities conducted by OWASP worldwide.
- Sponsorship benefits for organizations specializing in IT & Security:
- Opportunity to use the latest technological trends for professional training / development
- Strengthen your company strategy by learning the latest trends in web software security
- Improve your business development strategy with leading information from the security industry
- Get networking and headhunting opportunities with world-class specialists and professionals
- Get the chance to interact with high-need discerning users to improve product development
- Increase your image as a professional company through this unique branding opportunity
- Sponsorship benefits for organizations utilizing the internet in their business:
- Opportunity to increase the international brand awareness and conduct business networking
- Strengthen your company strategy by learning the latest trends in web software security
- Improve your service development by understanding the latest trends in security issues & risks
- Contribute to information society as a company by developing safe and secure services
- Get the chance to interact with high-need discerning users to improve product development
- Opportunity to brand your company as one that focuses on the highest standards in technology
Make your company part of the conversation. Become a sponsor of the tour today!
Please contact [email protected] for further information
OWASP Latam Tour 2017 Team
Chapter Leaders
- Edgar Salazar (Venezuela)
- Elvin Mollinedo (Bolivia)
- Gaston Toth (Patagonia, Argentina)
- Diego Di Nardo (Patagonia, Argentina)
- John Vargas (Perú)
- Samuel Ascona (Perú)
- Martin Tartarelli (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
- Mateo Martinez (Uruguay)
- Mauro Flores (Uruguay)
- Felipe Zipitria (Uruguay)
- Ramiro Pulgar (Ecuador)
- Carlos Allendes (Chile)
- Gustavo Solano (Honduras)
- Jonathan Correa (Rep.Dominicana)
- Pablo Barrera (Guatemala)
- Alison Shrader (Finances)
- Kate Hartmann (Registration)
- Kelly Santalucia (Sponsorships)
- Laura Grau (Organization)