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Dhiraj Mishra
Dhiraj Mishra @mishradhiraj_ is an Independent researcher and Information Security enthusiast , working with Ernst and Young as an Analyst.
Author of the Book The Modern Guide for XSS Evasion which will be published by Amazon in upcoming seasons.
Demo Copy Available at Blog.
OWASP Contributions
I have been contributing to OWASP from more than a year and would like to contribute more into it.
As a volunteer to OWASP, Dhiraj is or has been:
- OWASP Wall Of Fame
- Nominated for WASPY 2016.
- Core Team Member in AppSec India 2016
- Speaker of OWASP for Mumbai , India with the area of Interest in OWASP Top 10 , EASPI , IoT , Dark Web.
- Helping and Speaking Initiatives in OWASP Local Chapter Meet Mumbai with chapter leader Narenda Choyal.
- Call_For_Trainers in OWASP Mumbai, India , being in Trainers DB , Dhiraj has taken many of free Sessions to Mumbai Cops , Navi Mumbai Cyber Cell , Thane Cyber Cell and many others.
- The Mumbai Student Chapter Leader making student endorse in Information Security and Spreading Idea and Awareness via Chapter Meets.
- Authors and Primary Editor's in SQL Injection Prevention Cheat Sheet.
- Author's and Primary Editor's in DOM Based XSS Prevention Cheat Sheet.
- Past Contributor in The Popular XSS Filter Evasion Cheat Sheet where as ,this article is focused on providing application security testing professionals with a guide to assist in Cross Site Scripting testing.
- Lead of SQLi WAF Bypass a very helpful cheat sheet which consists of a successful SQL injection exploit can read sensitive data from the database, modify database data (Insert/Update/Delete),recommended by many Security Researchers.
- Last but not least Wiki Editor in OWASP.
CWE Project Benchmark
- Contributor in OWASP Benchmark,contributed SQLi/XSS fuzz vectors as initial contribution towards adding support for WAF/RASP scoring. Many thanks to Dave Wichers
- Reach me on:
Bug Bounty
He Currently holds Bug Bounties in :
- Bug Hunter in OWASP.
- Google VRP
- WikiPedia(WikiMedia)
- Python (Python Contributor)
- cPanel
- DLink [CVE in Process.]
- RedHat
- Ubuntu
- Yahoo
- Intel
- Mcafee
- Lenovo
- Apache
- Appreciation from MIT
- Appreciation from Avast
- Appreciation from cPanel
- Appreciation from Amazon
- Appreciation from WarnerBros
and many more... [48/100]
Blog :
Many Thanks
I would gradually like to thanks BOD of OWASP , for always endorsing me and allowing me to contribute. I would also like to thanks Kelly , Kate , Noreen Mam they helped me out a-lot and to Mr.Milan Singh Thakur.