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Kansas City
OWASP Kansas City
Welcome to the Kansas City chapter homepage. If you have any questions about the Kansas City Chapter, please send an email to our chapter leaders, Justin Ferguson, Mat Caughron or Nathaniel Cole.
Our Mission:
OWASP-KC’s mission is to be a welcoming community for Web Application Developers and Information Security Professionals to learn, communicate, and share their perspectives at a common table.
We will be holding regular meetings on the 4th Tuesday of every month (opposite SecKC!). Thanks to the generosity of the Kauffman Foundation, our meetings are currently held at the Kauffman Foundation Conference Center at 4801 Rockhill Road, Kansas City, MO.
The OWASP Foundation is a professional association of global members and is open to anyone interested in learning more about software security. Local chapters are run independently and are guided by the Chapter Leader Handbook. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit professional association your support and sponsorship of any meeting venue and/or refreshments is tax-deductible. Financial contributions should only be made online using the authorized chapter donation button.
OWASP Kansas City is ALWAYS looking for speakers. If you have a AppSec-focused project or topic you would like to present at an OWASP meeting, please contact our chapter leaders!
OWASP is a member-supported organization. OWASP membership is not required to attend our meetings, but every time one of our members purchases an OWASP membership, some of those funds come to our local chapter. We also appreciate all Donations!
Upcoming Meetings
August 30th, 2016
Location: Kauffman Foundation Conference Center - 4801 Rockhill Road, Kansas City, MO Speaker: Luke Crouch - Mozilla Foundation
Luke says: I write web code at Mozilla. I organize some local tech communities: Tulsa Web Devs' mission is to make Tulsa on of the greatest cities in the world for web developers. Code for Tulsa is our Code for America Brigade. Techlahoma is a state-wide foundation to support grassroots technology communities. I owe all my best experiences to the open-source community and try to give back. I sometimes work on an open-source side project start-up: I sometimes brew my own beer. Luke will be speaking about online privacy, user tracking, fraud, and cookies. Mmm, cookies.: There are over 5,000 online trackers that use cookies, fingerprinting, and probabilistic device matching to follow you across the web. Some methods are actively used for fraud, malware, and intrusive user tracking. Some are commonly used for legit purposes. We'll talk about how sites are able to follow users, tracking methods both fair and foul, and how users, developers, companies, and governments can defend against tracking.
Please note:
- Attendance at an OWASP chapter meeting is free and open to anyone interested in web application and software security.
- Registration at the Eventbrite is appreciated so we know how many to expect, but not required.
- Professionals with CISSPs, or other certifications, can earn CPE credits by attending.
Or, get a discussion going by posting a message to our mailing list.
Past Meetings
Thanks to the speakers for sharing with us at our past chapter meetings. Any presentation handouts or associated documents are shared through the following meeting summaries:
Connect with OWASP-KC
Twitter: @OWASPKC
LinkedIn: OWASP Kansas City
Mailing List: OWASP KC E-mail List
Facebook: OWASP KC Facebook