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OWASP Zed Attack Proxy Project
- Main
- Screenshots
- Talks
- News
- ZAP Gear
- Supporters
- Functionality
- Features
- Languages
- Roadmap
- Get Involved
The OWASP Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP) is one of the world’s most popular free security tools and is actively maintained by hundreds of international volunteers*. It can help you automatically find security vulnerabilities in your web applications while you are developing and testing your applications. Its also a great tool for experienced pentesters to use for manual security testing. Please help us to make ZAP even better for you by answering the ZAP User Questionnaire!For a quick overview of ZAP and an introduction to version 2.4.0 see these tutorial videos on YouTube: For more videos see the links on the wiki videos page. Interested in a ZAP talk or training event? See the talks tab. Not one near you? Contact a Zap Evangelist to arrange one! <paypal>Zed Attack Proxy</paypal> For general information about ZAP: For help using ZAP:
To learn more about ZAP development:
JustificationJustification for the statements made in the tagline at the top;) Popularity: Contributors:
Quick DownloadNews and EventsPlease see the News and Talks tabs Change LogCode RepoEmail ListQuestions? Please ask on the ZAP User Group Project LeaderProject Leader Related ProjectsOhlohClassifications
Upcoming Talks/Training:
For details of upcoming ZAP related talks or training please see the latest ZAP Newsletter
Latest News:
- 2019/06/07 Version 2.8.0 released
- 2018/07/26 The ZAP Heads Up Display (HUD) revealed at Bay Area OWASP meetup
- 2017/11/28 Version 2.7.0 released
- 2017/03/29 Version 2.6.0 released
- 2017/02/11 ZAP came second in the Top Security Tools of 2016 as voted by readers
- 2016/06/03 Version 2.5.0 released
- 2016/05/26 ZAP bug bounty program launched
- 2016/02/23 ZAP declared the Top Security Tool of 2015 as voted by readers
- 2016/02/19 ZAP February newsletter published
- 2016/01/04 ZAP January newsletter published
- 2015/12/15 ZAP December newsletter published
- 2015/12/04 Version 2.4.3 released
- 2015/11/02 ZAP November newsletter published
- 2015/09/07 Version 2.4.2 released
- 2015/07/31 ZAP Scripting Competition launched
- 2015/07/30 Version 2.4.1 released
- 2015/05/05 ZAP featured in the ThoughtWorks Technology Radar
- 2015/04/14 Version 2.4.0 released
- 2015/01/14 ZAP came second in the Top Security Tools of 2014 as voted by readers
- 2015/01/02 ZAP Community Scripts repo launched
- 2014/05/21 Version 2.3.1 released
- 2014/04/10 Version 2.3.0 released
- 2014/03/10 Hacking ZAP blog post series started:
- 2014/02/17 ZAP included as one of the SourceForge projects of the week
- 2013/12/20 ZAP declared the Top Security Tool of 2013 as voted by readers
- 2013/11/04 ZAP Evangelists initiative launched
- 2013/10/29 Simon won Best Project Leader WASPY Award
- 2013/09/27 Version 2.2.2 released
- 2013/09/11 Version 2.2.0 released
- 2013/07/29 New language file including support for Bosnian
- 2013/06/17 ZAP user questionnaire launched, now in both English and Spanish
- 2013/06/05 ZAP questions can now be asked on irc
- 2013/05/10 5 ZAP related projects accepted for Google Summer of Code
- 2013/04/18 Version 2.1.0 released
- 2013/01/30 Version 2.0.0 released
- 2012/11/27 Started a new zaproxy-test project of unit and integrations tests
- 2012/10/29 Adopted Crowdin for translations
- 2012/10/22 Started generating weekly releases
- 2012/10/12 ZAP Overview tutorial video published
- 2012/09/18 ZAP Gear Store goes live
- 2012/08/05 Version 1.4.1 released
- 2012/07/08 Version downloaded over 15,000 times
- 2012/07/05 Python API released
- 2012/06/15 ZAP accepted for the OWASP Project Reboot
- 2012/06/13 Using ZAP for Security Regression tests video published
- 2012/06/04 Version downloaded over 10,000 times
- 2012/05/28 Simon's Introduction to ZAP talk at App Sec USA becomes the most watched OWASP video on vimeo
- 2012/04/23 3 ZAP related Google Summer of Code 2012 projects accepted. To find out how these are progressing please see their wiki pages.
- 2012/04/23 OWASP ZAP SmartCard Project officially launched.
- 2012/04/08 Version released
- 2012/02/10 Version 1.3.4 downloaded over 10,000 times
- 2012/02/01 OWASP ZAP is named the Toolsmith Tool of the Year for 2011!
- 2010/09/06 The very first ZAP release, 1.0.0 announced via bugtraq
Yes, you can now buy ZAP related gear!
All of the artwork for ZAP swag is released under the Creative Common License and can be downloaded from the zap-swag repo.
You can of course use the artwork from this repo with any other online store that you like.
A range of products can be purchased from Redbubble
Stickers can be purchased from Stickermule
T-shirts can be purchased from Cafepress
ZAP is developed by a worldwide team of volunteers.
But we have also been helped by many organizations, either financially or by encouraging their employees to work on ZAP:
Some of ZAP's functionality:
- Intercepting Proxy
- Traditional and AJAX spiders
- Automated scanner
- Passive scanner
- Forced browsing
- Fuzzer
- Dynamic SSL certificates
- Smartcard and Client Digital Certificates support
- Web sockets support
- Support for a wide range of scripting languages
- Plug-n-Hack support
- Authentication and session support
- Powerful REST based API
- Automatic updating option
- Integrated and growing marketplace of add-ons
Some of ZAP's features:
- Open source
- Cross platform (it even runs on a Raspberry Pi!)
- Easy to install (just requires java 1.7)
- Completely free (no paid for 'Pro' version)
- Ease of use a priority
- Comprehensive help pages
- Fully internationalized
- Translated into over 20 languages
- Community based, with involvement actively encouraged
- Under active development by an international team of volunteers
ZAP is a fork of the well regarded Paros Proxy.
ZAP supports the following languages:
- English
- Arabic
- Bosnian
- Brazilian Portuguese
- Chinese
- Danish
- Filipino
- French
- German
- Greek
- Hungarian
- Indonesian
- Italian
- Japanese
- Korean
- Persian
- Polish
- Russian
- Sinhala
- Spanish
- Urdu
You can use Crowdin to help improve these translations or add new ones right now!
Release 2.4.3
ZAP 2.4.3 has been released, this is a bug fix and enhancement release
For more details see
Involvement in the development of ZAP is actively encouraged!
You do not have to be a security expert in order to contribute.
Some of the ways you can help:
Feature Requests
Please raise new feature requests as enhancement requests here:
If there are existing requests you are also interested in then please 'star' them - that way we can see which features people are most interested in and can prioritize them accordingly.
Please use the zaproxy-users Google Group for feedback:
- What do like?
- What don't you like?
- What features could be made easier to use?
- How could the help pages be improved?
Log issues
Have you had a problem using ZAP?
If so and its not already been logged then please report it
Are you fluent in another language? Can you help translate ZAP into that language?
You can use Crowdin to do that!
If you fancy having a go at adding functionality to ZAP then please get in touch via the zaproxy-develop Google Group.
Again, you do not have to be a security expert to contribute code - working on ZAP could be great way to learn more about web application security!
If you actively contribute to ZAP then you will be invited to join the project.