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Bay Area
Chapter Meetings
Bay Area OWASP Chapter meetings are posted on meetup!
Please visit for all chapter event information.
Our next event
Bay Area Mentorship Program - Meeting #1
San Francisco
December 1
OWASP Bay Area
Welcome to the Bay Area chapter homepage.
OWASP Foundation (Overview Slides) is a professional association of global members and is open to anyone interested in learning more about software security. Local chapters are run independently and guided by the Chapter_Leader_Handbook. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit professional association your support and sponsorship of any meeting venue and/or refreshments is tax-deductible. Financial contributions should only be made online using the authorized online chapter donation button. To be a SPEAKER at ANY OWASP Chapter in the world simply review the speaker agreement and then contact the local chapter leader with details of what OWASP PROJECT, independent research or related software security topic you would like to present on.
to this chapter or become a local chapter supporter.
Or consider the value of Individual, Corporate, or Academic Supporter membership. Ready to become a member?
150+ attendees at the OWASP Bay Area meeting in August, 2014
Picture is @BenHagen talking about cloud security and applications
About OWASP Bay Area Chapter
Geographic Area of Bay Area Chapter
The 'Bay Area' is actually the San Francisco Bay Area in California, which is near other large towns that are across the bay from San Francisco such as Berkeley and Oakland, and south of San Francisco are San Mateo, Palo Alto, and the whole San Jose area. Currently, the Bay Area OWASP Chapter covers this whole geographic region.
Become a Presenter
Submit your talk now for an upcoming OWASP Bay Area Chapter Meeting
Notes about OWASP presentations
OWASP presentations are geared for a technical audience. We are particularly interested in new approaches to tackling application security problems, defensive techniques for new technology in the application security space and lessons learned from developers and security professionals tackling application security. Please consider a wide breadth of topic areas and we can discuss if they should be tailored in a particular direction for the OWASP audience.
OWASP chapter presentations must not be sales pitches and must adhere to a vendor neutral approach to the topic.
Chapter Meetings
OWASP Bay Area Meetup - All events can be found here
About Presentation Events
Presentation events will feature 1 or more speakers discussing application security. These events will include a networking session, with drinks and food, before and after the event.
About OWASP Social Hours
The purpose of the OWASP social gathering is:
- Informal security chat - the benefits of "hallway con" and security talk with others in the industry
- Networking - meet other people in the field and industry
- After work drinks - a nice break after a long work day
Note: These events won't have any formal presentations. They're meant to be social gatherings to meet others in the industry and chat about security. Check our quarterly OWASP Bay Area schedule for the security presentation events.
Is your organization interested in hosting an OWASP social hour in the bay area (San Francisco, South Bay, East Bay)? Contact
Past Events
2015 Past Events
OWASP AppSecUSA was held in San Francisco in September, 2015 - the biggest OWASP conference to date!
Chapter meetings can be found on the meetup page
2014 Past Events
- December 2014 - San Francisco @ Mozilla
- OWASP Chapter Meeting in San Francisco hosted by Mozilla
- Jasvir Nagra, Google - Firing Bots at Bugs
- Sergey Shekyan & Bei Zhang, Shape Security - Headless Browsers Hide and Seek
- OWASP Chapter Meeting in San Francisco hosted by Mozilla
- August 2014 - San Francisco @ Lookout
- May 2014 - Redwood City @ Evernote
- OWASP Chapter Meeting in Redwood City hosted by Evernote
- Arshad Noor - CTO, StrongAuth
- Rich Tener - Director of Security, Evernote
- OWASP Chapter Meeting in Redwood City hosted by Evernote
- March 2014 - San Francisco @ Stripe
- OWASP Social Hour in San Francisco - Wednesday, Mar 12, 2014
- Hosted by Stripe
- Feb 2014 - San Jose @ Jillians
- OWASP Developer Training & Social Hour - Monday 2/24/2013
- Hosted by OWASP at Jillian's Billiards Club
- Feb 2014 - Special Free Training Event
- OWASP is hosting a special security boot camp for all RSA attendees and local developers. The training is recommended for developers who want to learn more about securing their code as well as security professionals who want to become acquainted with the latest web vulnerabilities.
- Presented by Jim Manico and Eoin Keary, this intensive boot camp focuses on the most common web application security problems, including aspects of both the OWASP Top Ten and the MITRE Top 25. The course will introduce and demonstrate application assessment techniques, illustrating how application vulnerabilities can be exploited so students really understand how to avoid introducing such vulnerabilities in their code and understand fixes.
- Jan 2014 - San Jose @ F5
- OWASP Social Hour in San Jose - Wednesday 1/22/2013
- Hosted by F5
2013 Past Events
- Dec 2013 - San Francisco @ Twilio
- OWASP Social Hour in San Francisco - Thursday 12/19/2013
- Hosted by Twilio
- Nov 2013 - San Francisco @ LendingClub
- OWASP Social Hour in Mountain View - Wednesday 11/6/13
- Hosted by LendingClub
- Sept 2013 - Mt View @ Shape Security
- OWASP Social Hour in Mountain View - Wednesday 9/25/13
- Hosted by Shape Security
- July 2013 - Berkeley @ University of Berkely
- OWASP Presentation Meeting
- An Empirical Study of Vulnerability Rewards Programs, Devdatta Akhawe
- "Putting Your Robots to Work", Twitter Security Team
Older Events
Bay Area Chapter Leaders
- Michael Coates
- Ben Hagen
- Neal Mueller
- Astha Singhal
- Katherine Carpenter
- Siva Yenamareddy
Mentorship Program
- OWASP Bay Area is launching a mentorship program to match university students and those new to the application security field with established AppSec professionals.
- First meeting will be held on December 1
- Complete the following form Submit your information if you're interested in participating.
- Then RSVP for the meetup
Stay In Touch
- All events will be listed on this webpage
- Keep in touch via twitter @OWASPBayArea or on Linkedin
- Bay Area Mailing List