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SpoC 007 - Enigform: Firefox Addon for OpenPGP signing of HTTP requests

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AoC Candidate: Artur Bunzo

Project coordinator: Dinis Cruz

Project Progress: 0% Complete, Progress Page

Buanzo - Enigform: Firefox Addon for OpenPGP signing of HTTP requests

Artur Bunzo

I am a 25 year old Independent security consultant from Buenos Aires, Argentina, that has contributed to the world of information systems security since 1994, when BBSes and Linux still lived together.

A quick search for buanzo on google [1] will provide all necessary details about my professional and community background. For comprobable experience, you could also check my Rent a Coder profile.[2].

In my free time I like playing with my Punk-Pop band [3], Futurabanda. [4], and maintaining my Restaurants, Wines and Recipes site. [5]. I have to admit that my first priorities are my beloved son [6] and my wonderful wife [7].


I've contributed scripts, fixes and translations to the Nmap project. I've also acted as Expert Contributor for SANS TOP-20 2004, 2005 and 2006. I've developed tools that can be found in Freshmeat, like mprl (a getty enhancement to allow remote logins from the login: prompt of the console). I've also written the Unix chapter of the OISSG's Information Systems Security Assessment Framework, v0.1 [8]. I'm currently writing an Internet Draft to be proposed for RFC regarding Enigform.


I run the official 2600 meetings site for Argentina [9], I've been proposed, but I refused, for President of the Argentinian Free Software group called SOLAR []. I'm an active member of the FLOSS community since 1996, having written articles in magazines, made TV, radio and newspaper appearances [10] and led different security research groups of Spain, Mexico and Argentina. Currently I contribute time thorugh my sites, forums and blogs, answering questions in mailing lists and helping coordinate some local LUGs. I do also manager the Linux Counter for Argentina [11].

My Project

Enigform [12] is a Firefox extension that enhances HTTP with OpenPGP functionality. It digitally signs outgoing HTTP requests so that a web server can authenticate the identity and data of the incoming request. It is a Web Security tool because it can, if correctly implemented as any OpenPGP based technology, render man in the middle attacks useless. I think OpenPGP already speaks for itself regarding eMail. Imagine the same benefits for http and web applications. I think Enigform can fit into the OWASP Validation Project [13].

Enigform is the reference implementation of the Internet Draft I'm working on, in discussion with members of the IETF's OpenPGP Working Group.

Some simple PHP code is enough to make a web application Enigform-aware [14]. The Smutty PHP MVC Framework already supports Enigform [15].

Long Term

Have the Draft be proposed as a Standards Track RFC document, have Enigform support directly in Apache and IIS, and port Enigform to other browsers and/or programming languages, and also provide OpenPGP De/Encryption support.

Why should I be selected

I have the experience, security awareness and means to make this project THE web security project of the decade. I am a respected member of the international security community, and I firmly believe Enigform is my greatest idea so far.

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