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OWASP on the Move
This new program allows local chapter or application security conferences to have OWASP presenters on site.
This page will allow 3 parties to find each other:
- OWASP speakers to entertain OWASP presentations and that want to see the world
- Local chapters or application security events that want to attract an OWASP speaker
- OWASP sponsors that want to support spreading the OWASP message
Current demand
Add your demand here:
- Helsinki is looking for OWASP speakers on the SDLC topic for a mini-conference. Expected timing is late August, early Sept. Sponsors and potential speakers are requested to contact Mikko.
Current offerings
If you want to (re)do an OWASP related presentation, propose them here with your availability boundaries (timing/geographical)
- Marc Curphey will happily speak about the WebAppSec industry, SDLC etc. around Europe. You can see him in action at HITB with John Viega (big download)
- Paolo Perego is available to talk about Orizon project, safe coding and code review issues around Europe in the near October-December.
- you?
OWASP on the Move Events
We already had one example in Belgium were Ivan Ristic and Dinis Cruz came to the chapter meeting (sponsored by F5 Networks locally).