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GSoC2014 Ideas
OWASP Project Requests
OWASP Hackademic Challenges - New challenges and Improvements to the existing ones
'Brief Explanation:
The challenges that have been implemented so far include: web application challenges covering several vulnerabilities included in the OWASP Top 10, cryptographic challenges, and entire virtual machines including several vulnerabilities. New challenges need to be created in order to cover a broader set of vulnerabilities. Also existing challenges can be modified to accept a broader set of valid answers, e.g. by using regular expressions.
Ideas on the project:
- Simulated simple buffer overflows
- SQL injections
- Man in the middle simulation
- Bypassing regular expression filtering
- Your idea here
Expected Results:
New cool challenges
Knowledge Prerequisites:
Comfortable in PHP, HTML and possibly Javascript. Good understanding of Application Security and related vulnerabilities.
Mentors: Konstantinos Papapanagiotou, Spyros Gasteratos - Hackademic Challenges Project Leaders
OWASP Hackademic Challenges - Source Code testing environment
'Brief Explanation:
Existing challenges are based on a dynamic application testing concept. We would like to work on a project that will give the capability to the attacker to review a vulnerable piece of source code, make corrections and see the result in a realistic (but yet safe) runtime environment. The code can either be run if needed or tested for correctness and security. The implementation challenges of such a project can be numerous, including creating a realistic but also secure environment, testing submitted solutions and grading them in an automatic manner. At the same time there are now numerous sites that support submitting code and then simulate or implement a compiler's functionality.
Expected Results:
A source code testing and improvement environment where a user will be able to review, improve and test the result of a piece of source code.
Knowledge Prerequisites:
Comfortable in PHP, HTML and possibly Java. Good understanding of Application Security, source code analysis and related vulnerabilities.
Mentors: Konstantinos Papapanagiotou, Spyros Gasteratos - Hackademic Challenges Project Leaders
OWASP Hackademic Challenges - CMS improvements
'Brief Explanation:
The new CMS was created during last year's GSOC. We have received feedback from users that suggest various improvements regarding functionality e.g. better user, teacher and challenges management. There are also some security improvements that are needed and in general any functionality that adds up to the educational nature of the project is more than welcome.
Ideas on this project:
- Plugin api and plugin actions interface
An easy way for users to code their own plugins which will modify the appearance of hackademic or add to the functionality.
- Ability to show different articles on the user's home screen
Now each user is served the latest article in her/his home screen. We need the ability for either the teacher/admin to be able to define what article each class is served.
- Ability to define series of challenges
The teacher/admin should be able to define a series of challenges (e.g. 2,5,3,1) which are meant to be solved in that order and if one is not solved then the student can't try the next one.
- Tagging of articles, users, challenges
A user should be able to put tags on articles and challenges if he is a student and on users, classes, articles and challenges if he is a teacher. Also the user should be able to search according to the tags.
- Your idea here
We welcome new ideas to make the project look awesome.
Expected Results:
New features and security improvements on the CMS part of the project.
Knowledge Prerequisites:
Comfortable in PHP and HTML. Good understanding of Application Security and related vulnerabilities if you undertake security improvements.
Mentors: Konstantinos Papapanagiotou, Spyros Gasteratos - Hackademic Challenges Project Leaders