Owasp Romania InfoSec Conference 2013 - October 25th
OWASP Romania team is happy to announce the OWASP Romania InfoSec Conference 2013, a one day Security and Hacking Conference. It will take place on 25th of October, 2013 - Bucharest, Romania.
The OWASP Romania InfoSec Conference objective is to raise awareness about application security, so that people and organizations can make informed decisions about true application security risks. Everyone is free to participate in OWASP and all of our materials are available under a free and open software license.
Who Should Attend?
- Application Developers
- Application Testers and Quality Assurance
- Application Project Management and Staff
- Chief Information Officers, Chief Information Security Officers, Chief Technology Officers, Deputies, Associates and Staff
- Chief Financial Officers, Auditors, and Staff Responsible for IT Security Oversight and Compliance
- Security Managers and Staff
- Executives, Managers, and Staff Responsible for IT Security Governance
- IT Professionals Interesting in Improving IT Security
- Anyone interested in learning about or promoting Web Application Security
CONFERENCE (Friday 25th of October)
Friday 25th of October
Venue Location: University "Politehnica" of Bucharest
Venue Address: Splaiul Independentei nr. 313, sector 6, Bucuresti, ROMANIA;
Postal cod: RO-060042
Venue Map: [1]
Price and registration
This event is FREE, you need to register on the link provided below, print your ticket and present it at the entrance.
Limited number of seats! Register now! https://owasp-romaniachapter-infosec.eventbrite.com/
Event details
- The presentation slides will be in English
- The presentations will be held in Romanian, except the one of Mr. Martin Knobloch
- There will be a short Q&A session at the end of each presentation (please hold them until the presentation ends)
- A mid-day break will be available for speaking with the presenters and with each other
Conference Details
15 mins
Introduction & Welcome
Oana Cornea
Introduction to OWASP & Bucharest Event, Schedule for the Day
45 mins
Secure Development LifeCycle
(aka "The good the bad and the ugly implementations")
Martin Knobloch
Software development is not THAT new anymore, but it is still a fast changing work environment.
We do develop more functionality faster, and the applications do even look more pretty!
But what about security? Guess what, it is not a developers first priority!
This presentation is about how to implement secure development strategy without blaming and bashing on developers. Instead of increasing the workload of the development-team with more process overhead, (security) quality gates, etc.
Lets help developer by implementing impalpable mechanism!
45 mins
Practical Defense with mod_security Web Application Firewall
Marian Ventuneac
Marian will introduce the mod_security Web Application Firewall (WAF). This session will be a practical demonstration of mitigating security risks for a sample vulnerable Web application.
45 mins
Scanning Romania with Nessus (web part)
Adrian Furtuna
This talk presents the results of a passive vulnerability scan performed against all Romanian IP addresses, targeting all web servers listening on port 80.
The research was performed against multiple network packet captures selected from the output of Carna botnet, which scanned Romania in July 2012.
45 mins
Reading the minds
Anatolie Prisacaru
In my presentation I will focus the analysis of how web browsers and extensions keep in memory. I will start with a quick introduction on how to dump and analyse processes' random access memory maps on a Linux based operating system with basic tools and then run a quick code review to see a couple of weak points, find their Achilles' heel and finally prove why statements like "Your sensitive data is encrypted _locally_ before upload so even LastPass cannot get access to it" can be pretty misleading.
45 mins
Resolving 3 Common threats in MVC (A4 - Insecure Direct Object References , A3 - Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) , A8 - Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) )
Andrei Ignat
Any website is confronted with hackers. The security measures are easy to follow - and this presentation shares to you this knowledge.
45 mins
Hacking the Wordpress ecosystem
Dan Catalin Vasile
This talk came from the personal need of securing multiple instances of Wordpress. An OWASP Project was initiated to gather the knowledge around this subject in one place.
The presentation will address the following subjects:
- securing the installation process
- server side measures: backup, securing login, antivirus, regular scan, web firewall, monitoring, permissions, etc.
- client side measures: personal devices security, password management, communication channels, etc.
- hacking the infrastructure
- hacking plugins
45 mins
iOS applications risks and defenses
Oana Cornea
The presentation will highlight the main iOS applications attack vectors, techniques and tools to perform a pentest and mechanisms that can be implemented to reduce application vulnerabilities. These will be presented in connection with the Owasp top ten mobile risks and will show how to improve the security of mobile applications.
Event Supporters
Educational Supporters
- If you have any questions about this event, please send an email to Oana Cornea