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BeNeLux OWASP Day 2012

Revision as of 11:49, 17 October 2012 by Favroom (talk | contribs)

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Welcome to OWASP BeNeLux 2012

Confirmed trainers for Trainingday

  • Dan Cornell (Denim group) - SDLC with open source tools
  • Dinis Cruz (Security Innovation) - Advanced O2
  • Volkert de Buisonjé (Sogeti) Secure Java Development with ESAPI (Hands-On )

Confirmed speakers Conferenceday

  • Dinis Cruz (Security Innovation) - Making Security Invisible by Becoming the Developer’s Best Friends
  • Rüdiger Bachmann and Achim D. Brucker (SAP) - Code review large companies
  • Lieven Desmet (Distrinet, KU Leuven) - Sandboxing JavaScript
  • Herbert Bos and Asia Slowinska (VU Amsterdam) - Body Armor for Binaries
  • Marc Hullegie and Kees Mastwijk (Vest) - Forensics
  • Dan Cornell (Denim group) - Streamlining Application Vulnerability Management: Communication Between Development and Security Teams
  • John Wilander (OWASP Sweden) - Browser security
  • Seba Deleersnyder (OWASP) - Update on OWASP

The OWASP BeNeLux Program Committee

  • Bart De Win / Sebastien Deleersnyder/ Lieven Desmet/ David Mathy, OWASP Belgium
  • Martin Knobloch / Ferdinand Vroom, OWASP Netherlands
  • Jocelyn Aubert / Andre Adelsbach, OWASP Luxembourg
  • Steven van der Baan, OWASP CTF Project


Event tag is #owaspbnl12

<paypal>BeNeLux OWASP Day 2012</paypal>

OWASP BeNeLux training day and conference are free!

Registration is open:


To support the OWASP organisation, consider to become a member, it's only US$50!
Check out the Membership page to find out more.

Venue is the iMinds-DistriNet Research Group @ KU Leuven

Celestijnenlaan, 200A
3001 Heverlee

Parking & roadmap:

There is a public parking close to the conference venue.

Roadmap and parking:

Hotels nearby:

Trainingday, November 29th


The training room is: (TBD) (for details, check the Venue tab)



Time Trainingtitle Trainer
08h30 - 9h30 Registration
09h30 - 9h45
09h45 - 10h00
10h00 - 10h40
10h40 - 11h00 Break
11h00 - 11h40
11h40 - 12h20
12h20 - 13h00
13h00 - 14h00 Lunch
14h00 - 14h40
14h40 - 15h20
15h20 - 16h00
16h00 - 16h20 Break
16h20 - 17h00
17h00 - 17h40
17h40 - 18h00

OWASP Training: Title of training here, by Trainername here

Abstract: Abstract here

This course includes coverage of the following areas:

  • TOC here

Hands on Exercises

Instructions here]


Targeted audience here

Level: Select lever here (Beginner/ Intermediate/ Advanced)

Prerequisite: Enter prerequisites here

e.g. Bring your laptop...

Trainer Bio:

Enter trainerbio here

Conferenceday, November 30th


The training room is: (TBD) (for details, check the Venue tab)



Time Topic Speaker
08h30 - 9h30 Registration
09h30 - 9h45 Welcome (PPT) OWASP Benelux Organization
09h45 - 10h00 OWASP update (PPT) Sebastien Deleersnyder
10h00 - 10h40
10h40 - 11h00 Break
11h00 - 11h40
11h40 - 12h20
12h20 - 13h00
13h00 - 14h00 Lunch
14h00 - 14h40
14h40 - 15h20
15h20 - 16h00
16h00 - 16h20 Break
16h20 - 17h00
17h00 - 17h40
17h40 - 18h00 Closing Notes OWASP Benelux 2012 organization

Social Event, November 29th

The social event is scheduled for Thursday, 29th of November and will start at around 19:30


Leuven (TBD)

Remark: Costs are around eur. 10,00.

Capture the Flag!

  • Do you like puzzles?
  • Do you like challenges?
  • Are you a hacker?

Whether you are an experienced hacker or new enthusiast you should come to OWASP BeNeLux 2012 and participate in the Capture the Flag event November 30th 2012 in Leuven (place TBD).

The OWASP CTF is especially designed to support challengers of all skill levels. The CTF contains multiple challenges in various fields related to application security. As every challenge gains you one point, you can pick and choose which challenge you want to play.

All you need is a laptop with a wifi card and your favorite (preferably) non-commercial tools.

So come to Leuven, show off your skills, learn new tricks and above all have a good time at the CTF event.

Hosted and co-organized by:

Made possible by our Sponsors:
List is being updated... Stay tuned!


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