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BeNeLux OWASP Day 2012

Revision as of 10:33, 14 October 2012 by Sdeleersnyder (talk | contribs) (Training and first list of conference speakers confirmed!)

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OWASP BeNeLux 2012.jpg


Venue is the Department of Computer Science @ KU Leuven

Training and conference location, together with hotel information, can be found here.

Training and first list of conference speakers confirmed!

Confirmed 1 day trainings on Thursday:
Dan Cornell (Denim group) - SDLC with open source tools
Dinis Cruz (Security Innovation) - Advanced O2
Volkert de Buisonjé (Sogeti) Secure Java Development with ESAPI (Hands-On )

Confirmed speakers on Friday:
Dinis Cruz (Security Innovation) - Making Security Invisible by Becoming the Developer’s Best Friends
Rüdiger Bachmann and Achim D. Brucker (SAP) - Code review large companies
Lieven Desmet (Distrinet, KU Leuven) - Sandboxing JavaScript
Herbert Bos and Asia Slowinska (VU Amsterdam) - Body Armor for Binaries
Marc Hullegie and Kees Mastwijk (Vest) - Forensics
Dan Cornell (Denim group) - Streamlining Application Vulnerability Management: Communication Between Development and Security Teams
Seba Deleersnyder (OWASP) - Update on OWASP


Event tag is #owaspbnl12

Registrations are open:


Slides will be available online

Check out the Conference tab of the website to download the presentations.

Training, November 29th

CFP open!

Conference, November 30th

Stay tuned for the final agenda!

Agenda (TBD)

Speech 1
Speech 2


Do you like puzzles? Do you like challenges? Are you a hacker?

Whether you are an old hacker or new enthusiast you should come to OWASP BeNeLux days 2012 and participate in the Capture the Flag event November 30th 2012 in Leuven (place TBD).

The OWASP CTF is especially designed to support challengers of all skill levels. The CTF contains multiple challenges in various fields related to application security. As every challenge gains you one point, you can pick and choose which challenge you want to play.

All you need is a laptop with a wifi card and your favorite (preferably) non-commercial tools.

So come to Leuven, show off your skills, learn new tricks and above all have a good time at the CTF event.


The training day and the conference are free! 


To support the OWASP organisation, consider to become a member, it's only US$50!
Check out the Membership page to find out more.


Venue is the Department of Computer Science of the KU Leuven, in Heverlee:
Celestijnenlaan, 200a
3001 Heverlee

<googlemap version="0.9" lat="50.864976" lon="4.678545" type="map" zoom="15"> 50.864424, 4.678931 </googlemap>


The BeNeLux Day 2012 Program Committee:

Local organization:

  • Thomas Engel
  • Radu State
  • Magali Martin
  • Aurel Machalek


Contact seba <at> for sponsorship

<paypal>BeNeLux OWASP Day 2012</paypal>

Social Event

The social event is scheduled for Thursday, 29th of November, 19:00 at

Leuven (TBD)

Remark: split bill system - everyone has to cover own food & drinks.


Feel free to use the text below to promote our event!

We invite you to our next OWASP event: the BeNeLux OWASP Days 2012!

Free your agenda on the 29th and 30th of November, 2012.

The good news: free! No fee!

The bad news: there are only 160 seats available (first register, first serve)!


  • 10:00 AM - 18:00 PM: OWASP Training Day
  • 19:00 PM - ?: Social event


  • 10:00 AM - 18:00 PM: OWASP Conference

OWASP's all-volunteer participants produce free, professional quality, open-source documentation, tools, and standards on application security. An example of this is the famous OWASP top ten of most critical web application security flaws. The OWASP community facilitates conferences, local chapters, articles, and message forums. Participation in OWASP is free and open to all, as are all the materials we produce.

WHO should attend?
Anyone interested in Web Application Security (management, security professionals, developers, students, etc). OWASP Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg chapters membership is free. All meetings are free. There are never vendor pitches or sales presentations at OWASP meetings.
Check our chapter page on meeting details, sign up to the chapter mailing list and introduce yourself.
Check our chapter page on meeting details, sign up to the chapter mailing list and introduce yourself.
Check our chapter page on meeting details, sign up to the chapter mailing list and introduce yourself.

Thursday and Friday, 29th and 30th of November, 2012 (10 AM - 7 PM)

University of Leuven
Department of Computer Science, KU Leuven
Celestijnenlaan 200A
3001 Heverlee

Attention: make sure to book your hotel in time, it will be difficult to find rooms in Leuven around Nov 29-30!
Hotel details

Only 160 places, please Register upfront: !
All latest details are available on
Hope to see you all!

The BeNeLux Program Committee,

  • Martin Knobloch / Ferdinand Vroom, OWASP Netherlands
  • Bart De Win / Sebastien Deleersnyder, OWASP Belgium
  • Jocelyn Aubert / Andre Adelsbach, OWASP Luxembourg
  • Steven van der Baan, OWASP CTF Project

Hosted and co-organized by:

Made possible by our sponsors:
List is being updated... Stay tuned!