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Appendix A: Testing Tools

Revision as of 12:09, 27 November 2006 by Icesurfer (talk | contribs) (Testing for specific vulnerabilities)

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OWASP Testing Guide v2 Table of Contents

Open Source Black Box Testing tools

  • OWASP CAL9000 -
    • CAL9000 is a collection of browser-based tools that enable more effective and efficient manual testing efforts. Includes an XSS Attack Library, Character Encoder/Decoder, HTTP Request Generator and Response Evaluator, Testing Checklist, Automated Attack Editor and much more.

Testing for specific vulnerabilities

Testing AJAX

Testing for SQL Injection

Testing Oracle

Testing SSL

Testing for Brute Force Password

Testing for HTTP Methods

Testing Buffer Overflow



Commercial Black Box Testing tools

Source Code Analyzers

Open Source / Freeware


Other Tools

Runtime Analysis

Binary Analysis

Requirements Management

Site Mirroring

OWASP Testing Guide v2

Here is the OWASP Testing Guide v2 Table of Contents