This site is the archived OWASP Foundation Wiki and is no longer accepting Account Requests.
To view the new OWASP Foundation website, please visit
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- Eventos sociales
- Chapter Leader Workshop
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Llamado a presentación de entrenamientos
Envíe su propuesta de entrenamiento aquí: Formulario de presentación de entrenamientos
Por favor, rellene con cuidado el Formulario de CFT para enviar su propuesta de entrenamiento para la consideración en el OWASP AppSec Latam 2012 en Montevideo, Uruguay.
Los entrenamientos se harán los días 18 y 19 de Noviembre de 2012 (Domingo y Lunes) en la torre de ANTEL en el centro de Montevideo (las presentaciones de la conferencia serán el 20 y 21 de Noviembre). Los entrenamientos serán de uno (8 horas) o dos (16 horas) días. Si su entrenamiento es seleccionado, enviaremos al sitio un resumen de su entrenamiento, nombre, biografía, título del entrenamiento y resumen del entrenamiento. Si envía una URL o un Twitter handle, también se publicará si su entrenamiento es seleccionado.
The deadline for this Call for Training is August 24, 2012. If your training is selected, we will contact you to confirm, and need your completed Training Instructor Agreement before we open your class for registration.
Trainers get a 40% cut of the training revenue. Price for trainees will be $800 (USD) for a 2-day training course and $400 (USD) for a 1-day training course).
If you would like to submit multiple training proposals, please make multiple separate form submissions.
Trainers will receive one free admission (nontransferable) to the conference in return for delivering a one or two day training course.
Training Instructor Agreement
By submitting your training proposal through our CFT, you are consenting to stay within the guidelines of the Training Instructor Agreement. We will ask you to sign and complete the Agreement and email it back to us if your talk is selected and you accept.
¡Por favor, contáctenos a [email protected] con su pregunta!
Envío de presentaciones
Envíe su propuesta de charla aquí: Formulario de envío de presentaciones
Please carefully fill out the CFP form to submit your talk for consideration at OWASP AppSec Latam 2012 in Montevideo, Uruguay.
The talks will be held November 20th and 21st, 2012 at the ANTEL National Telco Company located in downtown Montevideo (training is November 18th and 19th). Talks will be 50 minutes each. We will post your Display Name, Biography, Talk Title, and Talk Abstract to the site if your talk is selected. If you provide a URL or Twitter handle, we will post that if your talk is selected, too.
La fecha límite de envío de trabajos es el 7 de setiembre de 2012. Si su charla es seleccionado, nos pondremos en contacto para confirmarlo, y esperaremos sus diapos no mas tarde del 16 de noviembre de 2012 para ser revisados. Realizaremos una revisión entre pares de sus diapos y otro material presentado para la inclusión en el sitio Web de la conferencia (luego de ésta) y para verificar que cumpla con las guías de presentación de material en conferencias OWASP.
Si quiere enviar múltiples presentaciones, por favor hágalo en envíos de formularios separados.
Los presentadores recibirán admisión gratis a la conferencia (no transferible) como retorno por su charla de 50 minutos.
Speaker Agreement
By submitting your proposal for a talk/paper through our CFP, you are consenting to stay within the guidelines of the speaker agreement:
¡Por favor, contáctenos a [email protected] con su pregunta!
Jerry Hoff
Pravir Chandra
Everything you know about Injection Attack is wrong: This casual talk will take a look at several mundane vulnerabilities that we all know about and ask a few deeper questions. What are the underlying mechanisms? Does our advice on preventing them *actually* work? Is there a better way when you think of software design patterns? By the end, we’ll challenge the audience to think past the surface of these code vulnerabilities and hopefully learn a little about how the right abstraction model can save tons of security headaches.
Cristian Borghello
Cristian F. Borghello, es Licenciado en Sistemas, desarrollador, Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) y Microsoft MVP Security (Most Valuable Professional).
Actualmente es Director de Segu-Info y se desempeña como consultor independiente en Seguridad de la Información. Escribe para diversos medios especializados e investiga en forma independiente sobre Seguridad Informática y de la Información. Ha disertado se congresos y seminarios nacionales e internacionales sobre la temática. El interés por la Seguridad Informática y su investigación lo ha llevado a mantener este sitio: |
Hernán M. Racciatti
Hernan M. Racciatti has 20 years of experience in Information Technology, having dedicated most of his careers in areas related to Information Security.
Currently serves as Director of Security at SIClabs, advising private companies and public agencies, leading Penetration Test, Security Application Assessment, Code Source Review, pursuing researches about information security, teaching and offering seminars and technical lectures at conferences of national and international level related to his field. Among his contributions to the community, should be noted: active participation as a collaborator in some ISECOM´s project (OSSTMM-Open Source Security Testing Methodology Manual and Hacker High School), OISSG (ISSAF – Information Systems Security Assessment Framework), the development of small tools designed to secure information systems and several papers, articles and technical documents written for digital and print publications whit national and international circulation. During last year, he found and reported vulnerability in major commercial products. Hernan Marcelo Racciatti is member of the Core Team at ISECOM (Institute for Security and Open Methodologies), ISSAF Key Contributor at OISSG (Open Information System Security Group), President of CSA (Cloud Security Alliance) Argentina Chapter, Executive Committee Member of the ONG Argentina Cibersegura, ISSA (Information Systems Security Association) and OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) Buenos Aires Chapter Member. Learn more about Hernan at |
Las siguientes son las presentaciones seleccionadas, sujetas a confirmación de los presentadores.
Name | Presentation |
Alex Bauert | Assessing Application Security Risk |
Sebastian Bortnik | Malware en dispositivos móviles. |
Flavio de Cristofaro | Password Security Policies - Lessons learned from recent password leaks |
Mauro Flores | OWASP Mobile Top 10 |
Dario Gomez | Resource Certification: "Implementation Challenges" |
Mennouchi Islam | Presentation Of The OWASP ODZ Multi CMS Scanner |
Mateo Martínez | A real ZAP story |
Francisco Nunes | Critérios para Institucionalizar Segurança em Processos de Desenvolvimento de Software |
Andres Riancho | Web Application Scanning the Internet |
Andres Riancho | Understanding HTML5 security |
Nicolas Rodriguez | Don't try to block out the sun with your fingers\!: Information harvesting with Test-driven development tools and understanding how to avoid it |
David Schekaiban | Lo doloroso de la era cibernética: ataque, crimen, espionaje, activismo y guerra. |
Raja Sekhar | Templates to Derive Security Metric based on Attack Patterns |
Breno Silva | Reducing Web Application Attack Surface with a HMAC based protocol |
Tony UcedaVelez | Using PASTA as a core ingredient to web application threat modeling |
Felipe Zipitria | How dynamic have been static checking? |
La conferencia AppSec Latam 2012 se hará en el centro de Montevideo, Uruguay en la compañia Uruguaya de Telecomunicaciones Antel. Las instrucciones para llegar están disponibles en: Google Maps
Los entrenamientos y charlas serán realizados en el Auditorio y en el salón interactivo, cercano a la torre de Antel.
La torre de Antel:
Auditorio de Antel (izquierda) y su entrada principal (derecha):
Dentro del Auditorio (izquierda) y del salón interactivo (derecha):
Costos de la conferencia
El acceso a la conferencia tiene el costo de:
- Antes del 30 de setiembre: 3200.00 UYU (aproximadamente 150.00 USD)
- Antes del 31 de octubre: 4250.00 UYU (aproximadamente 200.00 USD)
- Luego del 1º de noviembre: 5300.00 UYU (aproximadamente 250.00 USD)
- Un día: 8500.00 UYU (aproximadamente 400.00 USD)
- Dos días: 17000.00 UYU (aproximadamente 800.00 USD)
- Miembro de OWASP: 50.00 USD (Note: This discount is equal to the cost of becoming an OWASP paid Member.)
- Estudiantes: 1600.00 UYU (approx. 75.00 USD). Note: student ID or other proof of current student status is required.
- Por descuentos especiales disponibles para el registro de grupos. Por favor envíe sus preguntas a [email protected].
Registro Online
El registro no está aún disponible para este evento. Por favor reintente en breve para ver los detalles de la registración.
Estamos buscando patrocinadores para la edición 2012 de Global AppSec Latin America.
Si tiene interés en patrocinar de forma global AppSec Latin America 2012, le rogamos contacte al equipo de la conferencia: [email protected]
Para ver más información sobre las diferentes opciones de patrocinio, por favor vea el documento siguiente:
Opciones de patrocinio de OWASP AppSec Latam 2012 - Inglés
Venue Sponsor
Se está en proceso de negociación de una tarifa de grupo con uno o dos hoteles en Montevideo. Verifique luego los detalles por estos descuentos.
About the Workshop
2012 Chapters Workshop to be held at the Conference Venue on the afternoon of November 19th, 2012 (the day before the conference)
- September 17th - AppSec Latam Chapters workshop sponsorship applications due
- September 21 - Applicants notified of status
We plan to start with a 1.5 hour session including an overview of the chapter handbook. This session will be video taped and available for chapter leaders to use in their local chapters (or to be viewed by those unable to attend). The second part of the workshop will be a roundtable discussion on regional issues and challenges, with a goal of working together to create solutions. If you are interested in participating in either of these workshops, please register for the conference and select this workshop, please register for the Conference and select the optional session "chapter leaders workshop" as part of the registration process. Remember that conference attendance is free for current chapter and project leaders.
Info about last year's workshop:
Meeting Minutes from Latin America Chapters Workshop 2011
Sponsorship to Attend the Chapters Workshop
If you need financial assistance to attend the Chapter Leader Workshops please submit a request to via the Contact Us Form by the application deadline for each of the events.
- September 17th - AppSec Latam Chapters workshop sponsorship applications due
- September 21 - Applicants notified of status
Additional Information for Applicants:
- Priority of sponsorships will be given to those not covered by a sponsorship to attend a previous workshop. Additionally, we are looking for new or struggling chapter leaders who need assistance kick starting their chapter.
- When you apply for funding, please let us know *why we should sponsor you*. While we prefer that chapter leaders use their own chapter's funds before requesting a sponsorship, this is not a requirement for application.
- If your chapter has fund but will not be using them to sponsor your attendance, please include why you will not be using the funds for this purpose (i.e. what are the other plans for those funds?).
If any questions, please contact us at:
Equipo de voluntarios de la conferencia 2012 AppSec Latam
- Mateo Martinez
- Mauro Flores
- Martin Tartarelli
- Fabio Cerullo
Equipo de soporte de OWASP
- Sarah Baso
- Kate Hartmann
Contáctenos [email protected]
Gold Sponsor |
Silver Sponsors |
Conference Room Sponsor |
Venue Sponsor |
Academic Supporters |
Organizational Supporters |
Languages: |
English |