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Summary of Java Security Libraries
Revision as of 10:13, 19 May 2012 by Guifre Ruiz (talk | contribs)
What is this page for?
This page contains a table of Java security libraries and indicates which security features each library supports.
The plan is to use this information to work backwards to create a 'decision tree' which will allow Java developers to decide which security libraries would be the most suitable for their requirements.
It is at a very early stage, and will almost certainly contain many mistakes and omissions. Please feel free to correct these yourself, or contact Psiinon to correct them on your behalf.
Java Security Libraries
Name and link |
Updated |
AU |
AC |
CF |
CR |
IV |
OE |
SM |
XM |
XS |
AntiSami |
2011 |
Y |
Y |
Apache Santuarrio |
2011 |
Y |
Apache Shiro |
2011 |
Y |
Y |
? |
Y |
? |
Y |
Y |
? |
Y |
Bouncy Castle |
2011 |
Y |
CSRFGuard |
? |
Y |
Y |
2010 |
Y |
Y |
? |
Y |
Y |
Y |
? |
Y |
Jasypt |
2010 |
Y |
iGuard |
2011 |
Y |
Y |
Vlad |
? |
Y |
Security Features Key
- AU Authentication
- AC Authorization / Access Control
- CF Anti CSRF
- CR Cryptography
- IV Input Validation
- OE Output encoding
- SM Session management
- XM XML security
- XS XSS protection