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OWASP Testing Guide v2 Table of Contents

Category Ref Number Name Finding Affected Item Comment/Solution Risk Value
Information Gathering Application Discovery
Spidering and googling
Analisys of error code
SSL/TLS Testing
DB Listener Testing
File extensions handling
Old, backup and unreferenced files
Business logic testing
Authentication Testing Default or guessable account
Brute Force
Bypassing authentication schema
Directory traversal/file include
Vulnerable remember password and pwd reset
Logout and Browser Cache Management Testing
Session Management Testing Session Management Schema
Session Token Manipulation
Exposed Session Variables
Session Riding
HTTP Exploit
Data Validation Testing Cross site scripting
HTTP Methods and XST
SQL Injection
Stored procedure injection
ORM Injection
LDAP Injection
XML Injection
SSI Injection
XPath Injection
IMAP/SMTP Injection
Code Injection
OS Commanding
Buffer overflow
Incubated vulnerability
Denial of Service Testing Locking Customer Accounts
User Specified Object Allocation
User Input as a Loop Counter
Writing User Provided Data to Disk
Failure to Release Resources
Storing too Much Data in Session
Web Services Testing XML Structural Testing
XML content-level Testing
HTTP GET parameters/REST Testing
Naughty SOAP attachments
Replay Testing
AJAX Testing AJAX Vulnerabilities
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OWASP Testing Guide v2

Here is the OWASP Testing Guide v2 Table of Contents OWASP Testing Guide v2 Table of Contents