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Global Membership Committee - Application 4

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Applicant Name Aryavalli Gandhi.
Current and past OWASP Roles List here.
Committee Applying for OWASP Membership Committee

Please be aware that for an application to be considered by the board, you MUST have 5 recommendations. An incomplete application will not be considered for vote.

Who Recommends/Name Role in OWASP Recommendation Content
1 Mohd Fazli Azran OWASP Malaysia Chapter Leader He was very good knowledge on security and have a bunch of idea how to do right thing.
2 Cecil Su OWASP Global Education Committee It would be great to have an Asian representation (a voice for Asia) for this committee
3 P.Satish Kumar OWASP Individual Member Gandhi is committed to contributing to OWASP constructively. Has very sound knowledge in the field of security. His ideas will benefit OWASP and the Committee greatly.
4 Zaki Akhmad OWASP Indonesia Chapter Gandhi has a contribution spirit to OWASP
5 Mateo Martínez OWASP Uruguay Chapter Leader / OWASP Global Industry Committee Member Gandhi has a lot of experience in the Information Security field. I´m sure that he would help OWASP and the Committee.
6 Helen Gao OWASP Long Island Chapter Leader / OWASP Global Membership Committee Member I met Gandhi at the summit and worked with him on APAC matter since then. He is knowledgeable of and passionate about infosec. I believe he would be an asset to the chapter committee..