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Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

Revision as of 12:31, 27 October 2006 by Wichers (talk | contribs)

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This is an Attack. To view all attacks, please see the Attack Category page.

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) is an attack that tricks the victim into loading a page that contains a malicious request. It is malicious in the sense that it inherits the identity and privileges of the victim to perform an undesired function on the victim's behalf, like change the victim's e-mail address, home address, or password, or purchase something. CSRF attacks target functions that cause a state change on the server.

Synonyms: CSRF attacks are also known by a number of other names, including XSRF, Session Riding, Cross-Site Reference Forgery, and Hostile Linking. Microsoft refers to this type of attack as a One-Click attack in their threat modeling process and many places in their online documentation.

The following example has an attack embedded in the img request below:

<img src="" />

When the victim's browser attempts to render this page, it will issue a request to to the page with the specified parameters. The browser will think the link is to get an image, even though it actually is a funds transfer function.

For most sites, such a request will normally automatically include any credentials associated with the site, such as the user's session cookie, basic auth credentials, IP address, Windows domain credentials, etc. Therefore, if the user has authenticated to the site, the site will have no way to distinguish this from a legitimate user request.

In this way, the attacker can make the victim perform actions that they didn't intend to, such as logout, purchase item, change account information, or any other function provided by the vulnerable website.


CSRF Vulnerability: A 'Sleeping Giant'