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OWASP on the Move

Revision as of 19:38, 27 April 2011 by Alison.McNamee (talk | contribs) (OWASP On the Move Rules:)

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This program allows local chapters to have OWASP presenters on site.

It is NOT for speakers to attend OWASP conferences.

This program allows 3 parties to find each other:

  • Local chapters events that want to attract an OWASP speaker
  • OWASP speakers to entertain OWASP presentations and that want to see the world
  • OWASP sponsors that want to support spreading the OWASP message

To find available speakers in your area, see the OWASP Speakers Project

Application Process

The way it works is really easy.

  • Upfront the chapter leader sends the OotM request (event details, who to cover, etc...) to Kate
  • If within the rules (see below) it will be rapidly approved by Kate
  • The speaker, who made the travel/lodging expenses, e-mails a scan of the receipts to Kate after the presentation is performed
  • Kate re-imburses up to the approved budget and informs the chapter leader

That's it!

OWASP On the Move Rules:

The following rules apply for the OotM project:

  • Primary funding would be deducted from the local chapter budget.
    • A chapter without sufficient funds for a speaker may request the Global Chapter Committee vote to approve the use of OWASP funds.
  • The normal maximum amount per speaker is 500 USD
  • Only in special circumstances the maximum amount per speaker can be raised to a maximum of $1000 USD
  • There is a proposed limit of 2,000 USD on the amount of $ provided to any individual per year (*see 'further funding' below)
  • There is a proposed limit of 2,000 USD on the amount of $ provided to any chapter per year(*see 'further funding' below)

A chapter can use the sponsorship 4 times a year, with a maximum of 2 speakers sponsored by OotM for one single event.

  • Further funding: for active chapters or speakers who have reach the proposed financial limits, further funding is possible but will depend on available budget, since priority would be given to chapters below these thresholds

OWASP on the Move funds are not to be used by speakers to attend OWASP conferences. If assistance is needed to attend a conference, contact the conference chair.

The payments are tracked online OWASP_on_the_Move_-_Payments