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OWASP France

Welcome to the France chapter homepage. The Chapter Leaders are Sebastien Gioria and Ludovic Petit


OWASP Foundation (Overview Slides) is a professional association of global members and is open to anyone interested in learning more about software security. Local chapters are run independently and guided by the Chapter_Leader_Handbook. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit professional association your support and sponsorship of any meeting venue and/or refreshments is tax-deductible. Financial contributions should only be made online using the authorized online chapter donation button. To be a SPEAKER at ANY OWASP Chapter in the world simply review the speaker agreement and then contact the local chapter leader with details of what OWASP PROJECT, independent research or related software security topic you would like to present on.


Btn donate SM.gif to this chapter or become a local chapter supporter. Or consider the value of Individual, Corporate, or Academic Supporter membership. Ready to become a member? Join Now BlueIcon.JPG <paypal>France Chapter</paypal>

The French Chapter is also available on LinkedIn.Join us, it only takes a minute!


France/OWASP projects and resources you can use TODAY

[Logo to be placed here]

  • Overview & Goal
    • Apart from OWASP's Top 10, most OWASP Projects are not widely used and understood. In most cases this is not due to lack of quality and usefulness of those Document & Tool projects, but due to a lack of understanding of where they fit in an Enterprise's security ecosystem or in the Web Application Development Life-cycle.
    • This course aims to change that by providing a selection of mature and enterprise ready projects together with practical examples of how to use them.
    • The course will be very practical where demonstration and hands-on exercises will be provided for the tools covered.
    • If you are interested in participating in the hands on portion of the course, please bring a laptop.
  • Dates
    • 26 April 2011

Top Ten 2010 Translation

Aug 30: The Top Ten 2010 french translation is available (see below)


Le 6 Mai 2009 à 17h30 à L'EPITECH :

A propos des Speakers :

Renaud Bidou : Directeur Technique de DenyAll. Il travaille depuis plus de 10 ans dans la sécurité et a publié de nombreux articles et white-papers touchant à des sujets aussi variés que les dénis de service, les portknockers, les botnets, la mise en place d’un SOC, l’analyse graphique d’attaques ou encore les techniques de contournements.

Claudio Merloni : Claudio Merloni est Software Security Consultant chez Fortify Software. Ses expériences dans le domaine de la sécurité embrassent la sécurité applicative, revue de code, architectures sécurisées, analyse des risques, conformité, test de sécurité à niveau réseau, système et applicatif, monitoring, contrôle d'accès. Il a participé a plusieurs conférences, entre lesquelles BlackHat et CONFidence.


Amphi 2

14-16 rue Voltaire

94276 Kremlin Bicêtre Cedex

Moyens d'accès Métro

  • ligne 7 : Porte d'Italie


  • ligne 47, 125, 131, 185 : Roger Salengro
  • ligne 186 : Pierre Brossolette


  • périphérique : sortie Porte d'Italie

Offres de Présentation/Contributions

  • Sébastien Gioria est disponible à partir de Mars 2008 pour vous présenter le projet OWASP ainsi que pour des sessions de sensibilisation/formation sur la sécurité des applications Web.

Informations locales


Documents Francais