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Atlanta Georgia
OWASP Atlanta
Welcome to the Atlanta chapter homepage. The chapter leader is Tony UV
OWASP Foundation (Overview Slides) is a professional association of global members and is open to anyone interested in learning more about software security. Local chapters are run independently and guided by the Chapter_Leader_Handbook. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit professional association your support and sponsorship of any meeting venue and/or refreshments is tax-deductible. Financial contributions should only be made online using the authorized online chapter donation button. To be a SPEAKER at ANY OWASP Chapter in the world simply review the speaker agreement and then contact the local chapter leader with details of what OWASP PROJECT, independent research or related software security topic you would like to present on.
to this chapter or become a local chapter supporter.
Or consider the value of Individual, Corporate, or Academic Supporter membership. Ready to become a member?
Local News
Latest News
Great first meeting in January and glad to see new faces. We are trying to reach out to more developers, quality assurance engineers, and software architects so if you have colleagues in those areas, please invite them to come. For next meeting information, please visit the Chapter Meetings tab and RSVP in the link provided.
Staying in Touch
There is an OWASP Atlanta Linkedin Group. For those addicted to LinkedIn, we have a group you can further feed your addiction. The OWASP Atlanta Chapter.
The Atlanta mailing list provides a low volume update to monthly events and also allows for members to post questions related to challenges in using and adopting OWASP related material/ tools. To join the Atlanta Mailing List, please sign up here:
Becoming a Member or Sponsor
On behalf of the entire organization, I would like to solicit your financial support of our chapter via a tax deductible membership for OWASP as a great non-profit organization which aims to elevate web application security. We hope that you find historical and future meetings to be of value and show support via a member based contribution.
To contribute to OWASP-Atlanta, sign up as an individual member, or support us as a corporate sponsor, please visit: If you are already a member, please don't forget to renew your membership!! The same link will serve both purposes.
Thank You to Our Supporters
Thanks to the following list of supportive organizations for their financial contributions and hosting our chapter meetings.
2009 OWASP Atlanta Member Survey
The Atlanta OWASP Member Survey has come and gone. Thanks to all those that responded. A subset of the results is shown below in the form of top ranking security topics that members wish to see in 2009. More detailed results will be provided and discussed briefly during our first meeting, April 2nd, 2009.
Chapter Meetings
Future Meetings
February 2011 Meeting
WHAT:: February Chapter Meeting - Separated By A Common Language
WHEN:: 24th February 2011. 6-8pm
WHERE:: Tilted Kilt
WHO:: Beau Woods
Beau Woods is in the Security and Risk Consulting group within SecureWorks. His experience has given him insight into solving the complex real-world problems organizations face worldwide. Beau has over 10 years of experience providing services in the information technology field, with the last five years dedicated to security, risk and compliance. A seasoned speaker at information security conferences, Beau is often invited to present at industry events.
ABSTRACT:: Separated By A Common Language
George Bernard Shaw said that about the US and England. And there’s perhaps nowhere in Information Security where that is more true than in Web App Sec. Though business people and geeks use a common language, we don’t have a common understanding. It’s not what’s said; it’s what’s heard that counts! It’s not enough to just understand the words, the listener has to understand the concepts and how they are put into practice. This talk goes through these challenges on both sides of the equation and gives a framework that can even give a CEO a working knowledge of the OWASP Top 10.
COST: Free to all.
Past Meetings
Dec 2010 - December Social Event
Oct 2010 - Rapid Development of Web Security Tools using SpiderSense
Sep 2010 - Search Engine Hacking
Aug 2010 - OWASP Guided Tour & Using the O2 Platform
Jun 2010 - Security Six Flags Outing
May 2010 - Clubbing WebApps with Botnets
Mar 2010 - Panel on Static & Dynamic Analysis for Web Apps
Feb 2010 - Embedded Malicious JavaScript
Oct 2009 - Security Religions & Risk Windows (Jeremiah Grossman)
Sept 2009 - Securing WebServices
June 2009 - OWASP LIVE CD Workshop
Apr 2009 - Filter Evasion Techniques (Workshop)
Apr 2009 - Chapter Rebirth meeting
Atlanta ISACA OWASP Meeting 03.27.09
Atlanta Leadership Meeting 03.05.09
Atlanta Leadership Meeting 02.26.09
Atlanta OWASP May 2007 Meeting
Atlanta OWASP December 06 Social
Chapter Meeting March 29th 2006
April 27th, Chapter meeting a SUCCESS!
Atlanta Georgia OWASP Chapter Leaders
- Tony UcedaVelez - Chapter Lead
- Steven Schwartz - Sponsorships Chairperson
- Shauvik Roy Choudhary - Communications Chairperson
- Jon Bango - Partnerships Chairperson