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San Antonio

Revision as of 13:47, 24 August 2006 by Dancornell (talk | contribs) (Local News)

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OWASP San Antonio

Welcome to the San Antonio chapter homepage. The chapter leader is Dan Cornell


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Local News

San Antonio OWASP Chapter: August 2006 Meeting

Topic: Selecting a Single Sign-On Solution

Presenter: Vijay Kumar

Date: August 23rd, 2006, 11:30am - 1:00pm


San Antonio Technology Center (Web Room)

3463 Magic Drive

San Antonio, TX 78229,+San+Antonio,+TX+78229


Scattered software applications with differing security policies are a bane of today’s IT departments, consuming a large chunk of support and maintenance budget. Single Sign-On is one of the technical controls available to CIOs and CSOs for providing security in depth to a corporation while reducing maintenance costs. In this talk I will walk-through a typical SSO implementation from making a case for SSO to deploying and maintaining the SSO process. Multiple SSO architectures will be presented and merits and demerits of each of the architectures will be discussed. Commercial offerings and open source SSO tools in this space are also presented.

Presenter Bio:

Vijay Kumar is a software architect with 15+ years of design and development experience in the retail, banking, insurance, and software tools domain. He is currently working as a technical lead with MSD Inc in Austin, TX. Prior to the current assignment, Vijay worked as an Enterprise architect with Lockheed Martin IT and an Applications Architect with Partnerware Inc.

Sodas and snacks will be provided. Feel free to bring a brown-bag lunch.

Please RSVP: E-mail or call (210) 572-4400.

Previous News

The slide deck from OWASP San Antonio August meeting available online here: File:OWASPSanAntonio 2006 08 SingleSignOn.ppt.

The slide deck from OWASP San Antonio June meeting available online here: File:OWASPSanAntonio 2006 06 Crypto Content.pdf.

The slide deck from OWASP San Antonio May meeting available online here: File:OWASPSanAntonio 2006 05 ForcefulBrowsing Content.pdf.