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Activity Name
Train the trainers
Short Description
Develop a train the trainer program that will train trainers to deliver training on OWASP related material.
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Email Contacts & Roles
Primary Fabio / Nishi
Secondary Sebastien
Mailing list None
- Develop a train the trainer program that will train trainers to deliver training on OWASP related material
- Develop a criteria to identify and approve trainers / Q1 2009
- Identify pertinent OWASP related material that will be included in the training kit / Q2 2009. This is dependent on the education project organizing material
- Create a training toolkit with pre-built presentation and training materials, assessments etc. / Q3 2009
- Conduct train the trainer sessions (remote or in-person) / Q4 2009
- The training kit and trained trainers will be available resources promoting OWASP in local events worldwide
- All OWASP Training Material can be downloaded from here
- First model implementation of Train the trainer program is UK 1-day OWASP Awareness training. Details of this training session can be found from here.
- Lonestar Application Security Conference 2010 is happening on October 29th, 2010 in Austin, TX USA. Training sessions here will leverage Train the trainer model. Details of this training session is coming soon from here
- Training session in France is in planning phase and going to use this model
- Nishi Kumar
- Fabio Cerullo
- Sebastien Gigioria