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OWASP Sacramento
Welcome to the Sacramento chapter homepage. The chapter leaders are Roman Hustad, Matt Petteys, and Michael Weber.
OWASP Foundation (Overview Slides) is a professional association of global members and is open to anyone interested in learning more about software security. Local chapters are run independently and guided by the Chapter_Leader_Handbook. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit professional association your support and sponsorship of any meeting venue and/or refreshments is tax-deductible. Financial contributions should only be made online using the authorized online chapter donation button. To be a SPEAKER at ANY OWASP Chapter in the world simply review the speaker agreement and then contact the local chapter leader with details of what OWASP PROJECT, independent research or related software security topic you would like to present on.
to this chapter or become a local chapter supporter.
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The Sacramento OWASP Chapter promotes the principles of OWASP in our local community with an emphasis on education, local networking opportunities, and fun. Meetings are typically on the last Thursday evening of the month.
MEETING: May 27, 2010, 6-8 pm: Automated Web Application Testing - Why we're Doing It Wrong
TOPIC: Automated Web Application Testing - Why we're Doing It Wrong.
A general understanding of web application technology as well as a general understanding of web application security testing tools and methods will be useful but not absolutely required. Even those new to web application testing, managers and executives concerned about web security will find this talk useful.
Attendees to this session will walk away with a good understanding of the following:
1. A brief understanding of the history of automated dynamic or black box testing for web applications
2. How modern web application technology is impacting the security teams ability to test for security defects and ensure the business is effectively managing application risk
3. The way many organizations are using web application testing tools today and how these approaches can lead to a false sense of security
4. How changing how we think about web applications and combining new testing techniques can deliver more accurate results and better test coverage
It's been over 10 years since the first automated web scanning products were introduced so why are so many of the dynamic or black box testing tools still challenging to use and often ineffective? With the average organization having dozens or in some cases hundreds of web applications, testing them all manually is an expensive and time consuming task. As a result organizations have turned to automated solutions to assess their online risks, but are automated dynamic scanning solutions really effective or are they only offering us a false sense of security?
This talk covers the history of web application scanning, how web applications and therefore the methods of assessing web application risk have and must change and how cloud computing is enabling new approaches to managing and assessing risk that bring scalability and cost inline with business expectations.
Erik Peterson is a Senior Solutions Architect for Veracode and an application and information security veteran with over 15 years of industry experience. Prior to Veracode, Erik Peterson was with Hewlett-Packard where he was Senior Director of Products for the HP Application Security Center, previously known as S.P.I. Dynamics which was acquired by HP in 2007. Erik was a member of the S.P.I. Dynamics executive team and led the product management team which defined the company's product and technology strategy.
Please RSVP for this event. Upon arriving at the main entrance, please ask for Robert Grill, office: 916-636-4392, cell: 916-997-9892. Any problems, please contact Roman Hustad, 916-402-0620
- HP Medi-Cal (map)
- 3215 Prospect Park Drive
- Rancho Cordova , CA
- 95670
FUTURE Meetings
2010-06-24: Michael Weber be presenting "SQL Injection Lab - Attacks & Defense"
Past Meetings
2010-04-29: Roman Hustad presented "The Secure Software Development Lifecycle"
2010-03-25: Mike Fauzy of Aspect Security presented "Tool Assisted Manual Code Review - Manual Precision with Automated Performance"
2010-02-25: Arshad Noor of StrongAuth, Inc. presented "Key Management & Encryption" Download presentation
2009-12-09: Alex Smolen presented "The OWASP .NET ESAPI"
2009-10-08: Ned Allison chaired a roundtable on "Database Security"
2009-07-30: Roman Hustad presented "Hands-on Cross-Site Scripting"
2009-05-12: Roman Hustad presented "Hands-on SQL Injection"
2008-10-30: Joy Forsythe from Fortify Software presented "Voting Security."
2008-07-31: Roman Hustad presented "How to Test the Security of Web Applications."
2008-06-26: Shan Zhou from Imperva presented "Database Security."
2008-04-03: Ryan C. Barnett from Breach Security presented "Passive Web Application Defect Identification."
2007-11-29: Roman Hustad from Foundstone presented "Web Application Hacking" to over 40 attendees.
2007-08-30: Barmak Meftah from Fortify Software presented "Hack proof your Service-Oriented Architecture" to 15 attendees.